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GOP Rep. Praises Ole Miss Counterprotesters, Including White Student Making Monkey Noises At Black Student


Source: Screenshot

You know—sometimes you can tell you’re on the right side of history just by looking at who’s on the other side. The wave of ongoing pro-Palestine protests at colleges across the country is a shining example of this, because while it’s clear that what’s being protested is the death toll in Gaza, which overwhelmingly dwarfs the Israeli death toll, much of American media, the U.S. government and white conservatives across the MAGA world have worked overtime to characterize the protests as being in support of the atrocities committed by Hamas (which is why the majority of Americans blindly side with Israel).

So, the same people who spread propaganda about Black Lives Matter, critical race theory, election results, Black history, “wokeness,” migrant crime and DEI are now propagandizing college students as pro-terrorism when they’re actually anti-genocide.

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And that’s why a viral video shows a racist frat bro making monkey noises at a Black woman protester while the rest of the counter-protesters jeer, and a pro-Trump Republican congressman is praising the display of bigotry.

From Newsweek:

Last week, pro-Palestinian protests at Ole Miss were met with several counterprotests, who were reportedly fraternity members. The counterprotesters were carrying flags supporting former President Donald Trump and shouted slogans that included “f*** Joe Biden” and “who’s your daddy.”

In the viral video, the Black female student can be seen walking toward a group of white students as they appear to mock and film her.

While the counterprotester who was accused of making racist gestures has not been identified, the student’s fraternity confirmed in a statement on Sunday that he was removed from the organization.

“Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters is aware of the video regarding the student protest at the University of Mississippi,” the statement reads. “The racist actions in the video were those of an individual and are antithetical to the values of Phi Delta Theta and the Mississippi Alpha chapter. The responsible individual was removed from membership on Friday, May 3.”

Sure, it was just one guy, but it’s not like we saw anyone on his side of the scrimmage line taking issue with what he was doing. Speaking of people who had no issue with the clear display of racism, Rep. Mike Collins (R-Georgia) is currently getting dragged across social media by posting footage of the counterprotesters under the caption, “Ole Miss taking care of business.”

For those who are unfamiliar with Rep. Collins, he’s the same guy who, with zero evidence to substantiate it, linked a train derailment in Ohio last year to DEI initiatives, which has become the go-to for white conservatives who desperately search for new ways to say the N-word without saying it. Earlier this year, he (possibly jokingly, but, honestly, possibly not) suggested murdering migrants by tossing them from helicopters into the sea. He was also accused of antisemitism for promoting a neo-Nazi’s post on social media targeting a Jewish Washington Post reporter.

Again, sometimes you know you’re on the right side just by the company you’re not keeping. If you find yourself on the same side of an issue with the Mike Collinses or monkey noise-making bigots of the world, it might be time to, at the very least, reevaluate your position.


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