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With downtrend in homebrewing, Brewser's in Scotia to close


SCOTIA, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- Aaron Herzog and his wife Danielle opened Brewser's Homebrew Store at 37 Mohawk Avenue in Scotia in April 2020. Now, four years later, they've decided to close the store.

After moving to Schenectady in 2017, Herzog decided to open Brewser's after struggling to find a homebrew store in the area. Brewser's sells equipment and ingredients for homebrewing beer, wine making, coffee roasting, and more.

Herzog attributes the store closure to the downward trend for homebrewing over the past two years. Last year, Herzog said they were contacted by two other stores selling homebrewing supplies to see if they were interested in buying their leftover products.

"My theories as to why we and the other homebrew stores are going under are the better availabilities of local craft beers from the numerous new breweries as well as their beer being easily available in local beverage centers, online retailers having a wider range of products available, and possibly the legalization of marijuana which some suggest is causing a shift away from drinking altogether," said Herzog.

After Brewser's closes, Herzog said they'll continue to be the main organizer of the Mohawk Brewers Club as long as the other members want to continue. He also said he's open to helping out any local breweries if they'd like.

Brewser's Homebrew Store is having sales on all its products leading up to the final day. The store's last day will be May 26.