Biden Wants Hamas ‘Refugees’
A Wednesday CBS News report informed us that President Biden and his crew were considering flying an unknown number of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to the U.S. to be resettled here as refugees.
Former president Trump called for barring Gaza refugees from the United States. He is as right as Biden is wrong.
Such an astoundingly bad idea could only come from Old Joe’s kakistocracy.
The plan reportedly would only encompass those Gazans who had immediate family members who are either U.S. citizens or who have permanent legal alien status.
Biden’s plan does not require that Hamas release the five U.S. citizens who are still held hostage.
Please note that the criteria do not exclude Gazans who are either members of Hamas or Hamas supporters. The vast majority of the population of the Gaza Strip is comprised of those two categories. (READ MORE from Jed Babbin: Trump Needs a Running Mate Right Now)
Let’s remember the March 20, 2024 poll taken by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. It found that 71 percent of Gazans support the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel during which 1,200 Israelis were killed, rape was used as a weapon of war, and about 240 hostages were taken. (About 130 hostages are still held by Hamas along with bodies of those hostages killed since October 7.)
The poll also found that 90 percent of Gazans believe that Hamas committed no war crimes in that attack but that Israel has committed them in its response to the October 7th attack. It’s no wonder that no Arab countries — not even Jordan whose population is about half “Palestinian” — will take a single Gaza refugee.
Look around at the Arab countries and you can see why. Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia all fear what Biden should but isn’t sentient enough to understand. They all fear that with the Gaza refugees will come Hamas terrorism and instability that could overthrow their own governments.
Egypt, with a population of about 105 million, already has about nine million refugees from other Arab countries, including over five hundred thousand from Sudan. It is especially vulnerable because the Muslim Brotherhood — which ruled Egypt from 2012 until being thrown out by General (now president) Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in 2013 — is closely tied to Hamas. The Brotherhood is still an underground power in Egypt despite the El-Sisi regimes’ efforts to suppress it over the past ten years.
El-Sisi’s government has labeled the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization which it is. People smugglers are reportedly charging $5,000 per adult and $2,500 per child to smuggle anyone across Egypt’s barriers around the Gaza Strip.
Why would Biden & Co. even consider bringing potential Hamas terrorists into the United States and welcoming them as refugees? We labeled Hamas a foreign terrorist organization in 1997. Biden wants to ignore that designation.
This must be more than just Biden’s fear of losing Muslim votes in Michigan and other states.
It must also be more than Biden’s antipathy toward Israel in general and Prime Minister Netanyahu in particular.
Biden apparently believes that anyone from any country should be able to claim and obtain asylum status — legally or otherwise — in the United States. He apparently believes that the U.S. Treasury is the common heritage of mankind.
We have no moral, legal, ethical, or treaty obligation to allow the Gazans to come to the U.S. In fact, given the apparent danger of doing so, we have a moral obligation to not allow them in.
No one — not the most innocent baby, not the greatest medical doctor or scientist — has a right to emigrate to the United States. Our laws — which Biden regularly ignores — are supposed to control immigration. By designating Gazans as “refugees,” Biden seeks to wiggle through a loophole in the law that enables him to bring in the Gazans without reference to whether they are Hamas members or supporters. (READ MORE: Republicans Being Stupid)
Also on Wednesday, shortly after the CBS report, thirty-five of the forty-nine Republican senators wrote to Biden saying he should pause his plan to import the Gazans. That’s more than a dozen fewer than the Republican minority claims. The others apparently have no problem with Biden’s plan.
Former president Trump called for barring Gaza refugees from the United States. He is as right as Biden is wrong.
We can have no confidence that the Biden regime will vet the Gaza refugees adequately to screen out Hamas members and supporters. There is no chance that our State Department and Border Control people will screen them sufficiently for adherence to — or even membership in — Hamas. So what then?
If Biden goes through with this plan, these “refugees” will resettle themselves in the United States and many will support or engage in terrorist acts in the U.S.
Because of Biden’s open border policies, we already have an unknown number of people in our country who have the intent to commit terrorist acts or other crimes. But, as the Gazans who are Hamas members and supporters have shown, they are less patient than others. The national security danger they pose is significant and will become apparent all too soon.
It’s not enough to “pause” Biden’s plan as the Republican senators proposed. It’s not enough that Trump has declared that Biden’s plan is crazy. The plan needs to be killed outright.
House Republicans are too busy fighting among themselves to focus on Biden’s plan for Gaza refugees. Cong. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (Nutjob-Ga) motion to throw Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La) out of his job will be voted on this week. Democrats might support Johnson but their desire to take over the Speakership could prevent that. (READ MORE: Congress Blows It on FISA)
Johnson, as I wrote last week, should keep his job and Republicans need to get on with the business of stopping Joe from further damaging the country. Johnson should declare that the House will do no further business — no bills will be voted on — unless and until Biden announces that the plan for Gaza refugees is dead. Shutting down the government would be a small price to pay for it.
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