News in English

I discovered my partner deceived our children out of some money after she died


DEAR DEIDRE: AFTER my partner died recently, I discovered that she deceived our children out of some money – and I am disgusted with her.

I was going through some of her paperwork and I discovered a copy of her mother’s will.

In it, her mother, who died 15 years ago, stipulated that she wanted our children to benefit from her estate.

But I know for a fact that they didn’t receive any money.

I am 71. My partner died six weeks ago. We were together for 28 years. She was 73.

Her children are 44 and 42 and have young families of their own.

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I cannot believe my partner didn’t tell them they were beneficiaries.

I know it would have made a difference to have received it.

But my partner kept it all for herself. I loved her but this has thrown me.

I have no idea what to do.

I am wondering whether I should keep this information to myself.


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DEIDRE SAYS: It is possible the bequests were overlooked, due to ignorance of the legal need to carry out what was in the will, or it may have been deliberate, as you suspect.

There is nothing to be gained by telling your children.

It will only sour their memory of their mother.

You have the chance to make amends by ensuring they now benefit from your will if she has left her estate to you.