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Новости за 08.01.2025

Global investors riled by bond market selloff as "tantrum" dawns - Yahoo Finance 

  1. Global investors riled by bond market selloff as "tantrum" dawns  Yahoo Finance
  2. 10-year Treasury note yield hits highest level since April ahead of Fed minutes  CNBC
  3. The bond market is sending a warning to Trump and Congress  Axios
  4. Key US Treasury Yields Approach 2023 Peaks With 5% in Sight  Bloomberg
  5. Treasury yields keep rising on tariff fears and growth hopes, stocks suffer  Reuters

Tallinna lennujaam tegi eelmine aasta rekordtulemuse

Eesti Elu 

Tallinna lennujaama läbis mullu ligi 3,5 miljonit reisijat, mis on läbi aegade parim tulemus. Võrreldes 2023. aastaga kasvas reisijate arv Tallinna lennujaamas 18%. Muud lennujaamad Eestis lisasid sellele veel ligi 90 000 reisijat. Regionaalseid lennujaamu läbis kokku 87 636 reisijat, mis on 39% rohkem, kui eelmisel aastal. Suure kasvu taga on tänaseks edukalt käima läinud Tartu-Helsingi regulaarlennud. Kuressaares oli 42 490, Tartus 27 270, Kärdlas 15 307, Ruhnus 1472 ja Pärnus 1097 reisijat.

How Popular is Motorsport Racing? (sports) 

Published in cooperation between and Motorsport racing has captured many hearts of fans across the world, combining an electrifying blend of speed, precision and strategy. From the intricate Monaco streets in Formula 1 to NASCAR tracks in the United States, the sport has an undeniable allure that brings people together. Those who are []