News in English

Новости за 06.01.2025

Voyager: The ocean puts everything you've got to the test (en) 

"Vikerhommik" reached out to Hannes Hanso, who is currently rowing across the Atlantic Ocean with Mart Kuusk. Hanso admitted that the long sea voyage has been quite a challenge, with the ocean testing the men in every possible way.

Созданы новые линии модельных мышей для изучения эпилепсии

Блог сайта «Антимракобес» 

Новые линии мышей для исследования генетики эпилепсии созданы в Нижегородском государственном университете им. Лобачевского. Новая коллекция мутантных линий мышей станет инструментом моделирования наследственных заболеваний в центральной нервной системе. На экспериментальных моделях лабораторных животных с генетической предрасположенностью к эпилепсии тестируются новые подходы к диагностике и лечению патологии. Исследование учёных лаборатории генетики развития мозга НИИ нейронаук Университета... Читать дальше...

'Maiyan Samman Yojana': Soren transfers Rs 1,415 cr to over 56 lakh women in Jharkhand 

Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren transferred Rs 1,415.44 crore to 56.61 lakh women under the 'Maiyan Samman Yojana'. The initiative, launched last year, initially provided Rs 1,000 to women aged 18-50. The ruling alliance promised to increase the monthly honorarium to Rs 2,500 from December 2024. This has been credited for political success in Jharkhand.

Rupee hits record low as Indian equities slide, bearish tilt persists 

The Indian rupee declined to its lifetime low on Monday, hurt by a persistent bearish outlook on the South Asian currency that has been troubled by a broadly stronger dollar and tepid capital flows following a slowdown in economic growth.

I thought I looked cool in my ‘Savage’ T-shirt, then realised my mortifying mistake when I saw myself on a shop’s CCTV 

HE couldn’t figure out why “everyone was smiling” at him.

But then Mike caught sight of himself in the supermarket CCTV camera, and realised his mortifying mistake.

@bigbangmike/tiktokMike thought he looked cool in his Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage wrestling T-shirt[/caption] @bigbangmike/tiktokBut he’d chosen to wear a plaid jacket over the top[/caption] @bigbangmike/tiktokWhich unfortunately meant that just the letters ‘VAG’ could be seen beneath it[/caption]

He detailed... Читать дальше...

First HMPV positive case detected in Gujarat 

The two-month-old infant, who has been diagnosed as the first case of HMPV virus in Gujarat, is stable and undergoing treatment, says Gujarat government

محتويات كتاب الموطأ للإمام مالك: تصنيف الأحاديث وآراء الفقهاء

Islam Online 

لم تكن كتب الحديث مصنفة ومبوبة حتى مرت بمرحلة التقييد الفردي – وذلك في العهد النبوي بأيدي بعض الصحابة – ثم مرحلة التدوين الرسمي الذي تولاه أمير المؤمنين عمر بن عبد العزيز الأموي، ثم دخل عهد أتباع التابعين وجاءت مرحلة تصنيف وترتيب الأحاديث حسب الكتب والأبواب والفصول والتراجم ونحوها، وكثرت جهود التصنيف في عامة أنحاء

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