Superconductivity in an ultrathin multilayer nickelate | Science Advances
Superconductivity is achieved in multilayer nickelate down to a single unit cell.
Superconductivity is achieved in multilayer nickelate down to a single unit cell.
High-performance thermal switches that control heat flow electrochemically using earth-abundant materials have been realized.
The centromere defining histone variant CenH3 binds to a single spot on autosomes but longitudinally on the X chromosome.
A sequence of neural computations underpins the integration of visuoperceptual information across the two hemispheres of the brain.
Nine thousand one hundred twenty fps biologically inspired low-light camera has been developed.
Shifts in the world’s largest ocean current are closely linked to Southern Ocean upwelling during warm intervals in Earth’s past.
Cu1−xMn1+ySiTe3 exhibits rare multiferroicity, along with strong magnetodielectric and magnetoelectric effects.
Macrophage NLRP3 impairs MerTK-mediated efferocytosis, inhibits Ly6Clo phenotype switch, and confines liver regeneration.
A material combining high magnetization, hyperelasticity, and self-healing properties is achieved by magnetic anion confinement.
Experimentation confirms an orthorhombic metastable ZrO2 phase, yielding insight into metastable phase synthesis and recovery.
Chiral molecules induce unidirectional spin-to-charge conversion with maximum spin selectivity along the molecular axis.
Histone mark age predictors will complement cytosine methylation-based clocks in aging and rejuvenation studies.
Ablation of the dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area abolishes the capacity to produce infradian behavioral rhythms.
Chang’e-5 paleomagnetic study suggests that the Moon had an active deep interior and a weak magnetic field 2 billion years ago.
Large language models are capable of tuning particle accelerators after being queried only with a natural language prompt.
Prefrontal VIP neurons mediate dopamine’s influence on working memory, with lateralized modulation linked to directional choices.
Many photonic design problems can be reformulated in an unexpected way, leading to powerful techniques to identify better designs.
Athletes have higher insulin sensitivity despite elevated bioactive muscle lipids through higher oxidative capacity and proteases.
Mosquitoes enhance sensitivity to human body heat by a sensory compensation mechanism when their sense of smell is disrupted.
Exploring the intricate molecular mechanisms underlying mechanically driven fracture healing using a spatial mechanomics platform.
Elevated fluid viscosity induces long-term osteogenic memory in hMSCs and promotes an immunosuppressive phenotype.
Noninvasive blood detection of brain-derived vesicles enables early and precise diagnosis of brain diseases.
Deep learning–enabled filter-free fluorescence imaging can predict fluorescence with high specificity and sensitivity.
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