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Новости за 01.01.2025

Sectoral or thematic funds: 6 key things you need to know before investing 

Investing in sectoral funds requires assessing risk tolerance, understanding sector cycles, and maintaining portfolio diversification. Focus on fund management expertise, investment horizon, and staying informed on sectoral trends to make well-informed investment decisions.

The 7 apps that can help you reach your New Year’s resolutions 

The year 2024 just drew to a close, meaning it’s time to set New Year’s resolutions for 2025!  Most self-help books tell you to start from within to achieve your goals. Within your pocket, you’ll find your smartphone, which can install apps to help you. READ: How to pick the best laptop for your needs

More than 35m people visited Thailand last year 

More than 35 million travellers arrived in Thailand and spent over 1.6 trillion baht in the country last year, according to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports.

The Best Family Movies On Netflix Right Now

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

There are a ton of great movies on Netflix. No one is left out when browsing the massive library of one of the best streaming services, including kids, as there are hundreds (if not more) of family movies worth checking out.Take it from someone with a house of kids who are starting their cinematic journey. As they grow older, Friday night family movie parties have become the perfect way to kick off the weekend with a Sunday matinee thrown in for good measure. However, with so many great kids movies from yesterday and today... Читать дальше...

The 20 best kids' movies on Netflix

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

When it comes to entertaining the whole family, Netflix has your back. The streamer's vast library has both animated and live-action films to delight every age. There are talking animals, of course —cats, angry birds, and elderly lizards — as well as fairy-tale heroes, dangerous robots, and a karate kid. Here's your guide to the best kids' movies on Netflix right now. 01of 20 The Angry Birds Movie (2016) Blasting out of the popular phone app, The Angry Birds Movie features Jason Sudeikis as the voice of Red... Читать дальше...

The Best Family and Kids Movies on Netflix

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

Netflix By Yael Tygiel UpdatedMay 17, 2024 Your changes have been saved Email is sent Email has already been sent You’ve reached your account maximum for followed topics. Manage Your List Follow Followed Follow with Notifications Follow Unfollow Thread Link copied to clipboard Sign in to your Collider account While the world of streaming has opened up a vast amount of possibilities in terms of viewing options, it can sometimes be overwhelming trying to decide exactly what to choose — especially when you have the entire family on the brain. Читать дальше...

25 Best Netflix Movies to Watch with Family

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

What happens when the entire family including the kids gets together and asks you to play a fun movie? Well, you desperately search for the flick that can live up to everyone’s taste. And that’s the time when a fascinating and appropriate movie comes into the picture! To ensure that your family showtime remains incredibly entertaining, Netflix offers a boatload of movies that can appeal to everyone’s preference and in this article, I have rounded up the best family movies on Netflix which you should... Читать дальше...

The best family-friendly movies to watch on Netflix

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

NetflixSearching for the best family movies on Netflix? Browse our quick guide to which of your favorites are on the lineup!Wednesday 9 March 2022Written by Danielle ValenteWritten by: Matthew SingerAdvertisingScrolling for a film to watch on Netflix by yourself is tough enough, so imagine how difficult it is to find one that will satisfy the entire brood – especially if you’ve exhausted all the options on Disney+. If you’re reading this, you’re probably already aware how that picking a film for family movie night can be downright Sisyphean. Читать дальше...

23 best family movies on Netflix to watch with kids right now

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

If you're looking for family movies on Netflix suitable for viewers of all ages, you're in the right place. From endearing classics like Paddington to some of the best movies Netflix has released in the last few years like Nimona and The Mitchells vs The Machines, here are some family movie recommendations that are preferably enjoyed with popcorn and sweets of all kinds. It's not always easy to find good movies to watch with kids of all ages. Movies that are entertaining enough to grab their attention from start to finish... Читать дальше...

45 best family movies on Netflix in 2024

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

Choosing from the best family movies on Netflix isn't easy, even with a new addition here and there. Netflix's always losing licensed movies, giving us reasons to update this list to make sure it reflects the current options. Making matters worse, Netflix's Children & Family Movies section is packed with films of questionable quality, and it takes a lot of time to sift through all of them to find something that works for you and your crew.We consider ratings from both Common Sense Media and Rotten Tomatoes... Читать дальше...

Machine Robo: Revenge Of Cronos Film Poster

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

1. Machine Robo: Revenge of Cronos (TV Series 1986-1987) - PostersHet verhaal speelt zich af op een planeet die alleen wordt bevolkt door androïden en robots, de ster Kronos.Op een dag arriveerden de Diablotrons die het ...Het verhaal speelt zich af op een planeet die alleen wordt bevolkt door androïden en robots, de ster Kronos.Op een dag arriveerden de Diablotrons die het geheim van de bron van het eeuwige leven, de Vitalido, wilden grijpen. Dit geheim werd zorgvuldig bewaakt door een kluizenaar... Читать дальше...

Efficience narrative et la transmission des formes de vie : une approche anthroposémiotique de l'autopoièse dans les pratiques ritualisées

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

Related papersNarrative efficiency and the transmission of patterns of life : an anthroposemiotic analysis of autopoiesis in ritualised practiceJean-Louis Brun2017Comment l’interprétation d’un texte canonique, lors de sa conversion en cours d’action gestuel, permet-elle de faire persister diachroniquement la forme de vie d’un collectif et de la faire adopter par ses membres ? Cette recherche se fonde sur l’observation participante de deux pratiques ritualisées : le Karatedo et la Franc-maçonnerie... Читать дальше...

Impact de différents schémas d’échantillonnage sur la qualité prédictive de fonctions de pédotransfert entre deux réseaux de mesures de la qualité des sols

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

Related papersUne analyse des stratégies d'échantillonnage des réseaux de surveillance de la qualité des sols en EuropeChristine Le Bas2007View PDFchevron_rightRevue des méthodes multiparamétriques pour l’estimation de la qualité des sols dans le cadre de l’aménagement du territoireSamuel Robert2017L’etalement urbain affecte principalement les territoires agricoles, dont la plupart ont un fort potentiel agronomique. Afin de contribuer a une gestion durable des sols, les indices de qualite des sols... Читать дальше...

Re: Music Association Game

Red and White Kop 

Quote from: TipTopKop on Today at 02:58:58 am

Come As You Are - Nirvana.
Come Inside - The Danse Society.

Re: New Kit thread

Red and White Kop 

Quote from: drmick on Today at 01:24:33 am

Does anyone know if we have ever wore an away kit while playing at Anfield?

1998/99 season against Valencia in the UEFA Cup. Valencia turned up with their orange away kit.

Train Londres Nottingham dès 23,78 $ | Billet pas cher, Horaire | Trainline

Mets Prospect Hub 

Toulon, Biarritz, Perpignan... : choisissez une desti et mettez le cap sur un été tranquille, peinard, loin de la foule. ????Réserver un billetPasser au contenuLangueVotre panier est vide.Et si vous réserviez votre prochain trajet?Mes billetsBillets de train et de busAchat cartes et abonnements SNCFTrainline BusinessTélécharger l'appTrouver un voyage adapté à votre budgetAideIdées de voyageOuverture des ventes SNCF printempsOuverture des ventes SNCF étéOuverture des ventes SNCF hiverTrains SNCFBillets... Читать дальше...