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Новости за 24.12.2024

SUP Magazine: Survey Settles Age-Old Debate Over Fake vs. Real Christmas Trees


A survey conducted by consumer protection resource Utilities Now has finally settled the age-old debate regarding real Christmas trees versus fake ones, and the answer might surprise you. The study, which ranked the most festive of the 75 American cities with the highest population, found that a majority of Americans prefer fake trees to the real thing. Sixty-four percent of U.S. citizens polled admitted they would rather deal with the relatively low-hassle assembly of a fake tree every year ...

Daniel Levy makes interesting Spurs revelation in rare upcoming interview


Daniel Levy will reportedly make a revelation about Tottenham’s search for an elusive trophy in a soon-to-be-aired TV interview. Daniel Levy has become villain no.1... The post Daniel Levy makes interesting Spurs revelation in rare upcoming interview appeared first on Spurs Web.

Best sci-fi movies of 2024


Take a look back at the best sci-fi movies of 2024: A journey across sci-fi worlds with these top 8 titles.

Is the moon a planet?


The moon is a round, rocky body, but is it a planet? The answer, scientists say, is complicated.

Read IndieWire’s Favorite Stories of the Year 

Best of 2024: From deep dive interviews to big ticket profiles, biting investigations to thoughtful analyses, and plenty of critical assessments, here's your must-read list of IndieWire's 2024 hits.

Singletrack Quiz Of The Year 2024

Singletrack Magazine 

Quizzy times ahead. To make it harder still, we’ve added a time limit – you’ve got one minute to answer each question. Which means you’re going to have to be very quick at typing if you’re going to cheat… Maybe do a spot of revision first if you’re going to take things seriously.

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