News in English

Новости за 21.12.2024

Iran exports over $8 billion minerals in 8 months: IMIDRO 

TEHRAN, Dec. 21 (MNA) – Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) says $8.8 billion worth of mining and mineral products was exported from the country in 1st eight months of current Iranian calendar year.

TTP claims killing 35 Pakistani soldiers in South Waziristan attack

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) announced in a statement that it killed 35 Pakistani security personnel in an attack in South Waziristan last night. Pakistani authorities confirmed the attack but reported 16 soldiers killed and 9 others injured. The TTP claimed responsibility for the attack, stating they targeted a military post in the Makeen area of […]

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Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown review 


At a glance

Expert's Rating


  • Stylish, colourful graphics
  • Combat feels fast and fluid
  • Multiple difficulty levels available


  • Only available on the Mac App Store
  • No DLC packs currently available
  • Works best with a controller

Our Verdict

The precise timing needed for the game’s combat and movement can be frustrating if you’re not used to arcade games... Читать дальше...

How to beat winter skin – and why ‘corneotherapy’ is the game-changer you need to know about 

IT’S the most wonderful time of year. 

But it’s also the time when our skin takes the biggest hit – with freezing temperatures and party season wreaking havoc.

Katie, from Surrey Skin Clinic, describes corneotherapy as a game-changer Katie of Surrey Skin Clinic is an award-nominated therapist

Most of us experience dry, flaky skin as we flip-flop between the bracing cold outside and stuffy, overheated offices.

Yet there are ways to ward off the inevitable – or... Читать дальше...

Queen’s Park 1 Raith Rovers 2

Queen's Park Football Club 

Just over 1,100 fans braved the wet and windy conditions for Friday night’s televised game under the floodlights at Hampden to witness Raith Rovers take all 3 points. Off the back of a defeat last week against Hamilton, Callum Davidson’s side were looking to make amends for that disappointing performance by starting the game on […]

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What happened to the Undisputed Belt?

Boxing News 24 

What's the point of having a tangible Undisputed Belt if the owner isn't introduced as undisputed? I understand that Dubois picked up a org belt but seriously? I noticed Usyk being introduced as...

What happened to the Undisputed Belt?

Премия «Вызов» за источник нейтронов для лечения глиобластомы и не только

Блог сайта «Антимракобес» 

Продолжаем рассказ о лауреатах премия «Вызов», имеющих отношение к нейротематике. В номинации «Инженерное решение» присуждена Сергею Таскаеву из Института ядерной физики имени Будкера СО РАН «за разработку компактного ускорительного источника нейтронов, пригодного для широкого круга исследований, в том числе для нейтронозахватной терапии». Казалось бы, какое отношение источник нейтронов может иметь к нейронаукам и неврологии? Оказывается, бор-нейтронозахватная терапия — это чуть ли не единственный метод сейчас... Читать дальше...