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Новости за 20.12.2024

Thursday 6 pm

ABR Trails 

what a blast today grooming the new snow into the old base. We had 5 of us out there today”bombing around” as we call it …better known as grooming with 2 way radios. We start out with a plan and then change it as needed….today Crasher groomed the south skate lanes including the new redesigned…calmed …

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After a police stop in Serbia, journalist finds spyware on phone  

Voice of America 

Washington / belgrade, serbia — An encounter with police in the Serbian city of Pirot earlier this year unnerved investigative reporter Slavisa Milanov. A journalist for the independent media outlet FAR, Milanov was driving with a colleague in February when they were pulled over by police, who asked the pair to accompany them to a station to be tested for illegal substances. Once there, Milanov said he was asked to leave his phone and personal belongings behind during a check. The drug tests were negative... Читать дальше...

Cash is Down, Valuations Are Up, but Stay Invested


InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips

Bullish sentiment rules … cash levels are down as fund managers flood stocks … crazy “red flag” valuations … how to trade this market with greater safety This will go down as a year with among the most bullish sentiment since the 1987 inception of the American Association of Individual Investors survey. So says Jason…

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Pet microchip scanning stations coming to Topeka 

TOPEKA (KSNT) - A new microchip technology is coming to Topeka to help people reunite with their lost pets faster. Helping Hands Humane Society is installing microchip scanning stations around Topeka over the next few weeks. One station is currently available at the humane society while the others will be up soon at the bark [...]

Clever trick to cook stars like Christmas pudding detected for first time 

Researchers have found evidence of magnetic fields associated with a disc of gas and dust a few hundred light-years across deep inside a system of two merging galaxies known as Arp220. They say these regions could be the key to making the centres of interacting galaxies just right for cooking lots of hydrogen gas into young stars.

Changes in store for atmospheric rivers 

Communities up and down the West Coast of the United States can expect atmospheric rivers to evolve as the climate warms. But residents in Southern California will see much different changes than residents in more northerly locations like Seattle

Somalia 'open' to Ethiopian troop role

Voice of America 

The Somali government is “open” to a potential role for Ethiopian troops in an African Union mission scheduled to take over peacekeeping operations in the country next month. A senior Somali government official on Thursday told VOA’s Horn of Africa Service that the Somali government has “secured” and “allocated” all troops needed from the four other AU-troop-contributing countries — Burundi, Djibouti, Kenya and Uganda — to participate in the African Union Support and Stabilization Mission in Somalia, or AUSSOM. Читать дальше...