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Новости за 18.12.2024

Ethical state funding for the press

Nieman Journalism Lab 

The business model for the news media industry in the digital era remains uncertain. But a liberal democracy cannot function properly without an independent and free press. State funding, an increasing trend across the European Union, offers a potential solution to this challenge. According to the 2024 study Public financing of news media in the...

Why 2025 is all about user needs

Nieman Journalism Lab 

In 2025, I challenge you to send me a news user need I have yet to come across. A year ago, I predicted the spread of user needs models in global publishing, and I stand vindicated. Across continents, newsrooms have been enthusiastically adopting their own models, leveraging AI tools to conduct relevant analysis, develop specific...

Should we predict or define?

Nieman Journalism Lab 

When it comes to looking at the year ahead, we can approach it in two ways: We can either predict what we think will happen, based on the trends, or we can define what outcome we want to achieve. I’m going to do both, because they’re not the same. Let’s talk predictions first. There are...

Following utter failure

Nieman Journalism Lab 

Hard to talk about anything to come for American journalism in 2025 without dwelling on the failures of 2024…because journalism failed us. It failed its role in our democracy. I’ve been utterly disinterested (and rather disgusted) by blame hurled at activists by the Democratic Party and its allied pundits. But I am not above hurling...

Focusing on what people actually need

Nieman Journalism Lab 

In 2025, journalism is going to get a much-needed reality check. Instead of sticking to old habits and assuming people will adapt to how we deliver news, we’ll finally start designing content that fits into real lives — short attention spans and busy schedules. The focus will shift to meeting people where they are, offering...

Stephen Rusnak 2025 Transfer K commit 

This one's been percolating for a while. I was getting a little worried that he was not going to commit to UC because the whole thing took longer...

Foundit appoints V Suresh as CEO to accelerate growth, innovation 

V Suresh, with over 20 years of experience in digital transformation and e-recruitment, has been appointed CEO of foundit (formerly Monster APAC & ME). His expertise is expected to accelerate the platform's growth by leveraging AI to enhance job searching, hiring, and employer-candidate connections across the Asia-Pacific and Middle East regions.

The last meteor shower of the year peaks a few days before Christmas

Times Union 

The last meteor shower of the year peaks a few days before Christmas. While usually not a bright shower, the Ursids can yield surprises. Most years, this shower produces about 5 to 10 visible meteors per hour under ideal viewing conditions. But outbursts in 1945 and 1986 produced up to 100 meteors per hour. The Ursids come from debris left by the comet 8P/Tuttle. The moon will be 59% full the night of the shower's peak, obscuring some meteors. The Ursids peak on Sunday and viewing lasts until Dec. Читать дальше...