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Новости за 13.12.2024

The Secret Reason the USA Beat the USSR to the Moon

Real Clear Science 

Ethan Siegel, Big Think

Not only in the United States, but all across the world, humanity celebrated 2024 as the 55th anniversary of the culmination of the Space Race: the quest to put a...

Sun Storms Causing Smart Tractors to Act 'Possessed'

Real Clear Science 

Victor Tangermann, Futurism

We're approaching the most active part of the Sun's 11-year cycle. Our star is flinging a barrage of charged streams of plasma and particles at us this year, a...

The Second Arrow of Time Is Slowing Down

Real Clear Science 

Dan Samorodnitsky, Sequencer

If you were standing on a distant planet in a far away galaxy a billion years ago, a normal wristwatch would not be very helpful. The planet you're on might not...

The U.S. Has the Biggest Healthspan-Lifespan Gap

Real Clear Science 

Natalie Rahhal, Yahoo News

People are living longer than ever before — but they're not actually healthier. And the number of years spent sick is only growing, according to a massive new...

Strange 7,500-Year-Old Figurine Has Reptilian Features

Real Clear Science 

Christopher Plain, Debrief

Researchers from the Kuwait-Polish Archaeological Mission (KPAM) working at the Bahra 1 site in the Al-Subiyah desert of northern Kuwait have discovered a...

Metal Scrap Upcycled Into High-Value Alloys

Real Clear Science 

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Metal scrap can be directly transformed and upgraded into high-performance, high-value alloys without the need for conventional melting processes,...

'Leaftronics' Could Cut Into E-Waste

Real Clear Science 


In a new spin on green electronics, researchers have made a biodegradable electronic circuit board from tree leaves. Such leaf-based electronics, or "leaftronics" as the team...

A New Timeline for Neanderthal-Human Interbreeding

Real Clear Science 


A new analysis of DNA from ancient modern humans (Homo sapiens) in Europe and Asia has determined, more precisely than ever, the time period during which Neanderthals...

How Kokumi Compounds Bring Richness to Sparkling Wine

Real Clear Science 


"Rich" and "full-bodied" are terms that people often use to describe the taste of wine. They are also the properties that kokumi compounds bring to foods like mature Gouda...

Colgate-Palmolive 0.61% as Sensex 

The stock traded at a P/E multiple of 52.92, while the price-to-book value ratio stood at 27.81.