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Новости за 04.12.2024


Green and Gold Rugby 

DAMN IT, HE’S BACK Well no it bloody well isn’t if you are a true blue Soap Dodging Taswegian. However, setting that aside for a moment and in the true spirit of Christmas, mines a Hellyer’s Road single malt whiskey aged in French Oak red wine barrels in case you’re buying at $640 a bottle, [...]

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New book "The Barn" examines the killing of Emmett Till 

Every day just outside Drew, Mississippi, people drive by a barn with no idea what they are passing. It was in that barn where 14-year-old Emmett Till was brutally beaten and killed in 1955. Till's lynching sparked the civil rights movement. Wright Thompson's new book "The Barn: The Secret History of a Murder in Mississippi" examines how an ordinary building many see conceals an extraordinary evil no one knows. Jim Axelrod has more.

Syria rebels 'at gates' of central city Hama

The Japan Times 

The advance on Syria's fourth-largest city is buoyed by the group's lightning capture of swaths of the north in an offensive that ended four years of relative calm.

You Can’t Bank On Pine Trees In A Climate Crisis


“The Government’s changes are an acknowledgement that there’s a problem in converting productive, food-growing land into biodiversity-squashing pine plantations, but they stop far short of fixing that problem."

Warning strikes at nine VW plants in Germany

World Socialist Web Site 

The head of  Volkswagen’s works council Daniela Cavallo has made it clear that the IG Metall union and the works council do not want to fight but “let off steam”.

Ocean density identified as a key driver of carbon capture by marine plankton 

New findings have revealed that changes in ocean density have a significant impact on the rate at which marine plankton incorporate carbon into their shells. This has profound implications for carbon cycling and the ocean's ability to absorb atmospheric CO2 in response to climate change.