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Новости за 04.12.2024

Thiesse Becomes Rox Vice President

OurSports Central 

St. Cloud, MN - The St. Cloud Rox announced today that Rachel Thiesse has been promoted to the position of Vice President. Thiesse is entering her sev... - Northwoods St. Cloud Rox

John Deere unveils new Gator utility vehicle

Golf Business 

John Deere has announced the launch of its new diesel Gator XUV 875M utility vehicle, which will be available to dealers from spring 2025.

Planning autonomous surface missions on ocean worlds 

Through advanced autonomy testbed programs, NASA is setting the groundwork for one of its top priorities—the search for signs of life and potentially habitable bodies in our solar system and beyond. The prime destinations for such exploration are bodies containing liquid water, such as Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moon Enceladus.

Approaching the unexplored 'plasma phase-space' with data science 

Fusion energy is being researched and developed as a new source of electric power that will contribute to the realization of a carbon-neutral society. At the National Institute for Fusion Science, research on magnetically confined plasma is being conducted using the Large Helical Device (LHD). The major difference between plasma and other gases is its low density.