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Новости за 26.11.2024

Translating AI for the Clinician 

This Viewpoint explores how artificial intelligence technologies can adopt a clinical practice framework to identify use cases and outline the technology’s objectives and potential uses in modern health care.

Ovarian Aging and Fertility 

This JAMA Insights discusses ovarian aging and provides strategies to address infertility due to ovarian aging.

Primary Care–Based Chronic Kidney Disease Management—Reply 

In Reply We appreciate the letter from Dr Hu regarding additional points of consideration for our study on CKD. We agree that it is critical to consider pregnancy in studies assessing sex disparities in health care. For our study, females of reproductive age accounted for only 0.8% of our cohort (n = 35). We did not expect this small number of patients to change our results, so we did not plan a subgroup analysis. However, the care of patients before, during, and after pregnancy highlights opportunities for future research. Читать дальше...

Primary Care–Based Chronic Kidney Disease Management 

To the Editor Although the study by Dr Rodriguez and colleagues provides a solid foundation for understanding gender differences in chronic kidney disease (CKD) management, several issues merit further discussion to enhance the study’s contributions to this critical area of health care.

“Hyperesthetic Neuralgia” and “Crawly Skin”: Poetry and Empathy in Medicine 

The long list of empathy killers in medical practice is familiar: time constraints, financial imperatives, cross-cultural misunderstanding, interposed electronic health records, distancing telemedicine. Most alarmingly, now AI-based chatbots with their manufactured empathy threaten to supersede genuine human care. As these barriers between clinicians and patients grow, poetry can be critical in preserving the heartfelt empathy that joins us in healing. Many descriptive studies and some quantitative research support this assertion. Читать дальше...

Old Doc 

Some might say I have a cervical myelopathy Thanks to my mother's arthritis. In fact, what I have is Connie's bum neck. (She lurched in and out of clinic for weeks Before any of us realized she was actually, Finally, inconceivably, stone-cold sober.) I have Juan's motheaten knee. (He came in with the world's phoniest limp. I was already giving him enough Percocet To kill a horse. No more, I said.) It was quickly replaced, that knee. I think he mostly forgave me. I have Debra's dead hip And her gimpy hands And her battered, useless shoulder. Читать дальше...

Electroencephalography-Guided Anesthesia and Delirium in Older Adults—Reply 

In Reply We thank Dr Xiang and colleagues for their Letter, in which they express concern that transfusion of platelets, prolonged aortic cross-clamp time, sedation protocols in the ICU, delirium assessment methods, and different EEG monitoring devices might have confounded the results of the ENGAGES-Canada trial.

Electroencephalography-Guided Anesthesia and Delirium in Older Adults 

To the Editor A recent trial concluded that among older adults undergoing cardiac surgery, electroencephalography (EEG)-guided anesthetic administration to minimize EEG suppression, compared with usual care, did not decrease the incidence of postoperative delirium. We have several concerns about this trial.

Ovarian Odyssey 

In this narrative medicine essay, a pediatrician thwarted a likely fatal cancer after undergoing genetic testing after noticing a pattern in her family that turned out to be caused by a genetic variation.

Protecting Participants in Clinical Research—Reply 

In Reply I appreciate the comments of Mr Rothstein and Dr Siegal on my recent Viewpoint about the Declaration of Helsinki. We agree on many points, including that the duty owed by physicians to patients can be “inconsistent with clinical research whose purpose is to produce generalizable knowledge.” I certainly concur that “the important ends of medical research do not justify any and all means.” Indeed, appropriately protecting research participants has long been at the core of research ethics. And as Rothstein and Siegal also note... Читать дальше...

Protecting Participants in Clinical Research 

To the Editor Although the title of the recent Viewpoint article “Protecting Participants Is Not the Top Priority in Clinical Research” is correct, we disagree with this Viewpoint because it failed to recognize that at least since the Nuremberg Code, protecting participants is the top priority of research ethics.

Periodic Physical Examination 

If there is any procedure that represents the apotheosis of the application of preventive medicine, it is the periodic physical examination. This is the most efficient method that modern medicine has for determining the ability of the individual human being to continue his life in such a manner that he may reach the age to which the tables of life expectancy indicate he is entitled. It is not surprising, then, that the idea has received the spontaneous and wholehearted approval of all the nonmedical agencies to which it may have been broached. Читать дальше...

Incorrect Wording 

In the Viewpoint titled “The Science of Biosimilars—Updating Interchangeability,” published in the October 15, 2024, issue of JAMA, incorrect wording appeared in the first and third paragraphs. In the first sentence of the first paragraph, “Biosimilars Price and Competition” should have read “Biologics Price and Competition.” In the first sentence of the third paragraph, “we recently issued an update to our draft interchangeability guidance” should have read “we recently issued a draft guidance to... Читать дальше...

Study Finds Moderate Benefit of Time-Restricted Eating for Metabolic Syndrome 

A recent study found that time-restricted eating, in which daily dietary intake is limited to 8 to 10 consistent hours without mandating calorie reduction, may provide benefits for people with metabolic syndrome—a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.

Injurious Falls in Older Adults May Be a Harbinger of Dementia 

Older people with Alzheimer disease or its precursor, mild cognitive impairment, face an increased risk of falling, but researchers have now found that a fall could serve as a “sentinel event” that marks future risk for dementia.

Study: Most Pregnant People Iron Deficient by Third Trimester 

People require almost 10 times as much iron after they become pregnant to support fetal development, but, for many, this need isn’t being met. Most women may be iron deficient by the third trimester, suggests a recent longitudinal study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

More People in Their 40s Being Screened for Colorectal Cancer Under New Recommendation 

More people in their 40s with an average risk of colorectal cancer are being screened after the US Preventive Services Task Force lowered the recommended screening age from 50 to 45 years in 2021. A study published in JAMA Network Open found an uptick in screenings after the recommendation compared with the 20 months prior.

Large Marburg Virus Disease Outbreak in the Republic of Rwanda 

The first outbreak of Marburg virus disease (MVD) in the Republic of Rwanda has been confirmed, according to a US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) health advisory. MVD is a rare but highly fatal viral hemorrhagic fever caused by infection with 1 of 2 zoonotic viruses, Marburg or Ravn, which are within the same virus family as Ebola viruses.

Breast Cancer Incidence Still Rising Despite Decline in Death Rates 

Despite the decline in death rates from breast cancer among women, the incidence of the disease has continued to rise in the US, by 1% a year from 2012 to 2021, according to an American Cancer Society analysis of data from the National Cancer Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

CDC Reports 13 Dairy Farm Workers Infected With Bird Flu in California 

Thirteen people working on California dairy farms have been infected with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus, or H5N1 bird flu, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced in mid-October. No person-to-person spread has been detected in the ongoing outbreak, which has affected more than 300 dairy cattle herds in 14 states.