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Новости за 01.11.2024

Teacher of the Month: Berryton Elementary, Third-grade teacher, Samantha Kramer 

BERRYTON (KSNT) - Samantha Kramer is more than just a third-grade teacher at Berryton Elementary school. She's a team player, a role model and a friend. Kramer was born and raised in Topeka. She went to school in the 501 district which is where her passion for teaching began. "I had a really good second-grade [...]

Could Trump's garbage truck stunt appeal to undecided voters? 

In Wisconsin on Wednesday night, former President Donald Trump got behind the wheel of a garbage truck "in honor of Kamala and Joe Biden." He seized on the president's remark where he appeared to call the Republican's supporters "garbage," something the White House has denied. Political strategists Joel Payne and Lance Trover join "America Decides" to assess if the stunt could move the needle for Trump's campaign.

Boom anticipated for top Phuket projects 

Grade A residential projects in Phuket are valued at 337 billion baht and are expected to grow by 10-20% annually over five years, driven by demand from affluent buyers globally, according to C9 Hotelworks, a hospitality consultancy.

Drought Dashes Hopes For U.S. Hydropower Capacity 

Hydropower is, along with nuclear, the best of both worlds in terms of electricity. It is a zero-emission source of energy, and its output can be adjusted in response to demand—a dispatchable source. The problem? It depends on the weather, and because of this dependence, hydropower managed to drag the total share of low-emission power generation down this year, and boosted gas. Dispatchability matters. Back in April, the Energy Information Administration forecast that hydropower output this year would jump by 6% over 2023... Читать дальше...

Bezos on endorsements


Jeff Bezos writes: In the annual public surveys about trust and reputation, journalists and the media have regularly fallen near the very bottom, often just above Congress. But in this year’s Gallup poll, we have managed to fall below Congress. Our profession is now the least trusted of all. Something we are doing is clearly not […]

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MATCH REPORT – Dartford Women v London Seaward

Dartford FC 

FIVE STAR PERFORMANCE SEES DARTS WOMEN PROGRESS IN ISTHMIAN CUP! Match Report: Dartford FC 5-1 London Seaward FC Isthmian League Women’s Cup, played on Wednesday 30th October 2024. Team: Jade Charlton, Georgie Davis, Chana Hinds, Shauni Griffiths, Amy Russ, Xayla-Rae Alberts, Beth Powell, Poppy Payne, Emily Vaughan, Emily Woodhouse, Ellie Dolby. Subs: Abbey Davies, Lizzie […]

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Eesti tarbijad jätkavad kokkuhoidu - septembris vähenes jaekaubandusettevõtete müügimaht 4%

Eesti Elu 

Eesti Statistikaameti andmetel oli jaekaubandusettevõtete müügitulu 2024. aasta septembris 839 miljonit eurot. Võrreldes eelmise aasta sama ajaga vähenes müügimaht 4%. Statistikaameti analüütiku Johanna Linda Pihlaku sõnul mõjutasid septembris jaekaubandusettevõtete müügimahu vähenemist enim tööstuskaupade kauplused, kus maht vähenes aastaga 6%. „Tööstuskaupadest kõige rohkem ehk 10% vähenes müügimaht nii muudes spetsialiseeritud kauplustes, kus kaubeldakse peamiselt arvutite ja nende lisaseadmete... Читать дальше...