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Новости за 15.10.2024

Впервые процесс самоочищения мозга изучен у людей

Блог сайта «Антимракобес» 

В ходе своей работы нейроны выделяют «белки-отходы» в окружающее их межклеточное вещество. Среди этих белков — тау-белки и бета-амилоиды, которые при накоплении приводят к болезни Альцгеймера. Чтобы предотвратить развитие этой болезни, в мозге существует специальный механизм самоочистки — глимфатическая система. До недавнего времени существование этой системы оставалось подтвержденным лишь у грызунов и нескольких других видов животных. Ученые из Орегонского университета здоровья и науки впервые показали... Читать дальше...

Snake slithers through Dodgers dugout during NLCS loss to Mets

«SFGate» ( 

A snake slithered through the Los Angeles Dodgers dugout during Game 2 of the National League Championship Series. The reptile appeared in the top of the fifth inning of the Dodgers’ 7-3 loss to the New York Mets on Monday. It wasn’t big enough to put a scare into anyone. Reliever Brent Honeywell says he was hoping it was a rally snake and that it would spur the Dodgers to victory. That didn't happen. The snake was eventually wrapped in a towel by a member of the grounds crew and removed from the dugout.

ICAI issues standard on quality management for CA firms 

The ICAI has issued two new quality management standards (SQM 1 and 2) for audit firms, focusing on quality management systems and engagement review processes. Meanwhile, tensions with NFRA persist over the inclusion of SQMs in the revised domestic audit standard SA 600.

Go Inside Jimmy Fallon’s Tonightmares… If You Dare 

This spooky season, there's something scarier at Rockefeller Center than a Jenna Maroney-hosted Halloween party. The iconic Manhattan location is hosting Jimmy Fallon's Tonightmares, The Tonight Show host's first foray into the haunted maze craze that sweeps through theme parks and other family-friendly venues every October. Open through Oct. 31, Tonightmares invites the brave and...