News in English

Новости за 08.10.2024

Addressing Racial and Ethnic Inequities in Health Care 

This Viewpoint discusses the findings of a recent National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report suggesting that current health care delivery and accountability structures perpetuate, rather than reduce, health inequities and details several changes needed to address these structural problems.

Subsequent Smoking Cessation Treatment After Varenicline or Nicotine Replacement—Reply 

In Reply Dr Lang provides thoughtful comments about our study on smoking cessation after treatment failure with varenicline or combined nicotine replacement therapy (CNRT). To the point about using 6 weeks as a defining time point for assessing abstinence, as we noted in the article, 6 weeks, while an arbitrary cutoff in some respects, was chosen because the majority of studies on smoking cessation suggest that most relapse occurs within the first 2 weeks of the target quit date. While it is true... Читать дальше...

Coding Error in Study of Risk Score Predicting Death Without Transplant in Adult Heart Transplant Candidates 

To the Editor On behalf of our coauthors, we write to explain errors that we identified in the Original Investigation “Development and Validation of a Risk Score Predicting Death Without Transplant in Adult Heart Transplant Candidates,” published February 13, 2024, in JAMA. Our registry-based study examined 16 905 heart transplant candidates listed from 2019-2022 using data from the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients. We proposed a novel US candidate risk score (US-CRS) for medical urgency... Читать дальше...

Subsequent Smoking Cessation Treatment After Varenicline or Nicotine Replacement 

To the Editor A recent study provided valuable data in the area of smoking cessation but used the term treatment failure synonymously with nonabstainer and designated treatment failure as 6 weeks of treatment without achieving abstinence. For clinicians and patients alike, it is important to distinguish the difference between lack of abstinence and treatment failure. A reduction in smoking from 20 cigarettes per day at week 0 to 10 cigarettes per day at week 6 is both an accomplishment and a lack of abstinence, but not a failure. Читать дальше...

Error in Study of Risk Score in Adult Heart Transplant Candidates 

In the Original Investigation titled “Development and Validation of a Risk Score Predicting Death Without Transplant in Adult Heart Transplant Candidates,” published in the February 13, 2024, issue of JAMA, incorrect data regarding left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) were reported due to a coding error, as described in the accompanying Letter. Correcting this input led to changes in the Abstract, the Results section, the Table, Figures 2-4, and Supplement 1. These errors did not affect the overall... Читать дальше...

Medical Aid in Dying 

This Viewpoint discusses aspects of medical aid in dying laws in the US, including patient access, clinician authorization, and waiting periods.

The Villanelle as Oncology Rounds 

The villanelle is a highly structured, repeating and rhymed poetic form believed to have originated as song lyrics to accompany dancing in Renaissance France (from where its name derives). It consists of tercets with the first and final lines of the first stanza repeated in alternating fashion as the final lines of subsequent stanzas. These repeated lines, or refrains, rhyme with each other as well as with the initial line of each stanza; the middle lines of each stanza also rhyme. The enchanting... Читать дальше...

Chimeric Transplant Villanelle 

You are not me, you are not mine but here we suffer, tight inside. We wait for counts, we wait for time.

Evaluation of Suspected Antibiotic Allergies 

This JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis summarizes the 2022 recommendations on evaluation of suspected antibiotic allergies from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology and American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

Improving Palliative Care Access for Patients With Cancer 

Palliative care is not new. It evolved in the 1960s and 1970s before many other medical specialties, such as medical oncology, emergency medicine, and critical care medicine. Although it would be unimaginable to conceive of hospitals, cancer centers, or universities without these 3 specialties, for palliative care, the road toward recognized specialty and adoption by organized medicine was much more difficult, at least in part because of its origins in community hospices and palliative care teams... Читать дальше...

Revisions to Role of Funder/Sponsor Statement 

The Original Investigation titled “Effect of Fluvoxamine vs Placebo on Time to Sustained Recovery in Outpatients With Mild to Moderate COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial,” published on January 12, 2023, was corrected to fix the Role of Funder/Sponsor statement. The Role of Funder/Sponsor statement should have read “The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences had a role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation... Читать дальше...

Toward Understanding 

In this narrative medicine essay, a gastroenterologist learns of his 34-year-old brother’s stroke in Oslo and struggles to understand how such a young, healthy man could have a stroke while exercising.

Cancer Stage vs Mortality End Points in Randomized Clinical Trials of Cancer Screening—Reply 

In Reply Our study compared the end points of cancer-specific mortality and late-stage cancer in randomized clinical trials of cancer screening. Drs Kim and Gibbs write that the relationship between these could be affected by changes in cancer staging and treatment. We agree that this is true not only for our comparison of end points, but for cancer screening in general. For example, a screening test that is effective at reducing cancer mortality could become ineffective if new treatments decrease differences in survival between stages. Читать дальше...

Cancer Stage vs Mortality End Points in Randomized Clinical Trials of Cancer Screening 

To the Editor A recent study provided a robust analysis of the association between the reduction in stage III to IV cancer diagnoses and overall survival gains in historical cancer screening trials, and the accompanying Editorial added an important epidemiological perspective. However, the relationship between cancer stage at diagnosis and survival is not static. Data from the studies examined, many of which were initiated 30 to 40 years ago, are of questionable relevance in the modern era.

State Biomarker Testing Insurance Coverage Laws 

To the Editor A recent Viewpoint referenced the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network’s state-by-state campaign to pass legislation ensuring coverage of biomarker testing. We appreciate the attention to our advocacy campaign but disagree with the conclusion that the effect of these laws “may be limited by their lack of reach and implementation challenges.” Given the patchwork nature of the US health care system, it is often necessary to enact consumer protections on both the federal and state levels. Читать дальше...

Foreign Letters 

(From Our Regular Correspondent)

Black Individuals, Women Less Likely to Survive After CPR 

This Medical News article discusses research that found Black individuals and women are less likely to survive after receiving cardiopulmonary resuscitation for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest than White people or men.

Twice-Yearly Doses of Azithromycin Past Infancy Cut Child Mortality 

Previous studies suggest twice-yearly mass distribution of the antibiotic azithromycin reduces childhood mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved the practice with stipulations limiting distribution to infants aged 1 to 11 months, citing concerns about antimicrobial resistance.