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Новости за 02.10.2024

The Appalling Attack on Ta-Nehisi Coates Is a Massive Media Failing

The New Republic 

The Jewish high holidays—the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur—are built on the paradigm of “On Rosh Hashanah, your fate is written. On Yom Kippur, your fate is sealed.” In these 10 days, we are supposed to pray, repent, and commit good deeds to bolster our chances for the privilege of another year on earth—whatever we would say that privilege is at this point.

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Why Some People Will Vote for Abortion Rights—and Trump

The New Republic 

Ever since voters in red states like Kansas and Ohio turned out in droves in 2022 and 2023 to protect abortion rights in their states, some in the Democratic Party have hoped abortion ballot measures in swing states might increase turnout and shift the course of this year’s election. Ten states have abortion measures on the ballot this year—including swing states like Florida and Arizona. But last month, a New York Times/Siena College poll from Arizona disrupted this narrative: Likely voters’ support for Harris... Читать дальше...

Sally Rooney’s Millennials Grow Up

The New Republic 

Some of Sally Rooney’s best writing is about power in relationships: who has it and who doesn’t, who wishes they had it, and who has it but doesn’t know they do. Early on in Intermezzo, her fourth novel, she restages a scenario that will be familiar to readers of her debut, Conversations With Friends: A man gives 200 euros to the woman he is having sex with. The woman needs money, and the man has plenty of it. The man carefully does not give the 200 euros to the woman in exchange for sex; in Intermezzo... Читать дальше...

Self-Care Products for the Disgruntled Adult

The New Yorker 

A Brave Face Mask that is similar but definitely unrelated to Botox; a guide for how to unconditionally love the job you hate; and other helpful items.

Where the Bubble-Tea Industry Has Gone Into Hyperdrive

The New Yorker 

In China, a new generation of milk-tea chains—with design schemes that evoke everything from Communist-era factory floors to spaceships—sell not only beverages but also imagined worlds.

The world’s spending to fight global lead poisoning just doubled


Lead poisoning has, historically, been a major blind spot in the global health world. The extent of the problem is enormous: A landmark study found that about half of children in poor countries are exposed to very high levels of lead. At least 1.5 million people die annually from cardiovascular diseases (like heart disease) caused […]

Happiness of Iranians in Karaj for IRGC anti-Israeli op. 

TEHRAN, Oct. 02 (MNA) – The successful Operation True Promise 2, conducted by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) against Israeli aggression on Tuesday, brought a wave of joy and happiness to the people of Karaj City in Alborz Province.

Iran's launchers fully loaded to respond probable aggressions 

TEHRAN, Oct. 02 (MNA) – A former commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) and current legislator says Iran's missile launchers are fully loaded to give a firm response to any potential Israeli attack.

Five things to know about the port strike 

Dockworkers and longshoremen in east coast ports are now on strike in a major labor action with real consequences for the U.S. and international economy. Thousands of members of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) stopped working Tuesday, striking for a substantial compensation increase and protections from automation after years of record profits for the shipping...