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Новости за 02.10.2024

Some Boston doctors are starting to unravel the mysteries of long COVID and find improved treatments for patients - The Boston Globe

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Some Boston doctors are starting to unravel the mysteries of long COVID and find improved treatments for patients  The Boston Globe
  2. Long COVID affects 38% of emergency patients with persistent symptoms  News-Medical.Net
  3. When Nerve Pain and Numbness Are Linked to Long COVID  Yale Medicine
  4. Vague symptoms, overlap with other illnesses complicate long-COVID diagnosis  University of Minnesota Twin Cities

For COVID ‘long haulers,’ glimmers of good news - The Boston Globe 

  1. For COVID ‘long haulers,’ glimmers of good news  The Boston Globe
  2. When Nerve Pain and Numbness Are Linked to Long COVID  Yale Medicine
  3. Vague symptoms, overlap with other illnesses complicate long-COVID diagnosis  University of Minnesota Twin Cities
  4. Post-COVID-19 condition symptoms among emergency department patients tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection

Doctor charged in Matthew Perry's death case expected to plead guilty

Business Standard 

One of two doctors charged in the investigation of the death of Matthew Perry is expected to plead guilty on Wednesday in a federal court in Los Angeles to conspiring to distribute the surgical anesthetic ketamine. Dr. Mark Chavez, 54, of San Diego, signed a plea agreement with prosecutors in August and would be the third person to plead guilty in the aftermath of the Friends star's fatal overdose last year. Prosecutors offered lesser charges to Chavez and two others in exchange for their cooperation... Читать дальше...

Глупеет ли человечество?

Блог сайта «Антимракобес» 

Грядёт страшная катастрофа – люди тупеют. Через пару сотен лет останутся одни идиоты! Всё дело в естественном отборе, в котором всё чаще побеждают люди с низким IQ.

Именно таким пугающим многие видят будущее человечества. Но грозит ли нам интеллектуальная катастрофа? Давайте разбираться. В 2006 году в прокат вышла комедия «Идиократия». Главная идея фильма проста: люди, которые умны и образованны, неохотно и поздно заводят детей, поэтому оставляют меньше потомства. А не очень умные люди... Читать дальше...

VIDEO: Israeli army transfers soldiers to hospital 

TEHRAN, Oct. 02 (MNA) – The video footage shows that the Israeli regime's army is transferring its injured or dead soldiers during their attempt to invade south Lebanon.

I'm sorry for all the dead bodies I left behind while walking from Ireland to China in Crusader Kings 3's brilliant new DLC

Rock Paper Shotgun 

We pitch our tents outside Constantinople and crack open the ale. In the light of the campfire I examine my travel companions as they party. There's an Ashkenazi rabbi, a Saxon serf, some French knights, a Czech spy, a German dwarf, and a pair of inseparable Italian peasants. This rowdy band of roustabouts I've collected in the Crusader Kings 3's Roads To Power expansion has the feeling of a found family, each fellow wanderer sporting their own ambitions and quirks. They won't all make it. Many... Читать дальше...