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Новости за 24.09.2024

Riina MÄRKMIK: Ristumine põgenemisteega

Eesti Elu 

Kiirelt arvutis valminud ja nutitelefonile läkitatud abikaart lapsele, kes asus 18. septembri õhtul koduteele 9. klassi loodusõpperetkelt Vormsi saarelt, mille käigus toimus ristumine vanavanemate põgenemisteekonnaga neil päevil 80 aastat tagasi. Soovisin, et laps mõistaks, kui tähendusrikkas kohas ta asub ning kuhu poole vaadata parvlaevalt, mis Vormsi saare Sviby sadamast Rohuküla sadama poole suundus (ülalt alla kulgev joon). Tema papa pere (Kindlamid) lahkusid koduküla lähedasest Einby rannast... Читать дальше...

Police searching for suspects, motive in Birmingham shooting 

Police in Birmingham, Alabama, are searching for the suspects and a motive in Saturday night's mass shooting. Four people were killed and more than a dozen others were wounded in the targeted attack. CBS News correspondent Cristian Benavides has the latest.

Head of OBGYN Group Says Abortions, Not Pro-Life Laws, Killed Two Mothers in Georgia 

Over the weekend, Fox & Friends Saturday helped debunk claims by liberals that two women died because of Georgia’s abortion ban as the show had on Dr. Christina Francis to discuss the issue. Co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy introduced the segment by playing a clip of Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris trying to scare an audience about abortion: […]

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Jon Stewart wantonly rockets the U.S. and Israel's "wider wars" 

Now that The Daily Show has even more Emmys, Jon Stewart returned to Comedy Central victorious, ready to take on an easy subject with the vigor of someone suffering from a severe case of senioritis. Just kidding, they were talking about Israel.

KHP works to enforce railroad safety 

TOPEKA (KSNT) - State law enforcement agencies are working to bring awareness to railroad safety in Kansas. The Kansas Highway Patrol (KHP) is working with Operation LifeSaver, Amtrak Police and other state and federal railroad law enforcement agencies to bring awareness to See Tracks? Think Train Week (ST3Week). According to a news release from KHP, [...]

Pubs face being forced to close early under 'nanny state' measures to tackle harmful drinking - LBC

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (com) 

  1. Pubs face being forced to close early under 'nanny state' measures to tackle harmful drinking  LBC
  2. Pubs could be forced to close early as Labour considering crackdown on opening hours, health minister says  The Independent
  3. Labour rift over plans to force pubs to close early  The Telegraph
  4. Pubs won't be forced to close early in England, says top Starmer ally rejecting health minister's idea  Evening Standard
  5. ‘We Promise to Support Pubs’ Labour Now Calling Last... Читать дальше...

Prosecutors hint at another charge for Trump shooting attempt suspect 

A federal judge on Monday ordered the suspect in an apparent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump to remain jailed until trial. Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, faces federal firearm charges related to the incident at Trump's golf club in Florida on Sept. 15, but prosecutors said they want to bring another charge. CBS News national correspondent Manuel Bojorquez reports.

Did the Chiefs get a lucky break with the missed PI call in the game? | Speak


Keyshawn Johnson shares his perspective on whether the Kansas City Chiefs got a lucky break with the missed pass interference call in the game against the Atlanta Falcons. He analyzes the implications of the call and its impact on the Chiefs' performance, offering his candid insights on the controversy surrounding the decision.

Jäädvusta pärandit ja osale Hiite kuvavõistlusel

Eesti Elu 

Käimas on Hiite kuvavõistlus, kuhu oodatakse fotosid ja videoid hiitest ja teistest ajaloolistest looduslikest pühapaikadest. Võistlusele võib saata ülesvõtteid nii Eestist kui ka laiast ilmast, samuti nii värskeid kui ka varasemaid jäädvustusi.

Lebanon sees deadliest day since 2006 after Israeli strikes 

The Lebanese Ministry of Health said Israeli airstrikes killed at least 490 people and injured more than 1,600 on Monday. CBS News senior national security correspondent Charlie D'Agata has more. Then, Jon Alterman, senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, joins to discuss.