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Новости за 11.09.2024

Ernest Becker's Vital Lie

Splice Today 

The message of the Book of Ecclesiastes is everything we do is pointless. It doesn’t matter if we’re kind or unkind, honest or deceitful, pursue wisdom or folly, or pursue nothing at all. “All is vanity and chasing after wind,” states Ecclesiastes. He leaves only one path for meaning, salvation, and peace of mind: faith in God. But this is a hard pill to swallow for a great many modern westerners, a fact that Ernest Becker understood and grappled with in his 1973 book, The Denial of Death, which... Читать дальше...

Saulnier's Triumph

Splice Today 

Rebel Ridge, the new movie from Jeremy Saulnier that debuted on Netflix last weekend, isn’t likely to win many representation awards from the Fraternal Order of Police. It depicts cops as amoral, corrupt scum eager to rob people blind via civil asset forfeiture. While it has elements of militant anti-cop fervor and the attitudes that inspired the original First Blood, this film’s neither didactic nor an agenda-first political screed. It’s inventive, focused on storytelling first and featuring a half-dozen dynamite set pieces. Читать дальше...

Gallery: Estonian amateur gardener grows giant 61kg watermelon (en) 

This summer, amateur gardener Eduard Dmitrijev has grown some of the biggest watermelons Estonia has ever seen. Capitalizing on the Estonian climate, which has become increasingly favorable for producing giant fruit, along with his considerable gardening skills, Dmitrijev's heaviest three watermelons in 2024 have a combined weight of over 160 kg.