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Новости за 06.09.2024

Nearby super-Earth has a sulfur-rich atmosphere, Webb observations suggest 

Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers from the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland and elsewhere have conducted transmission spectroscopy of a nearby super-Earth exoplanet known as L98-59 d. Results of these observations, available in a research paper published August 28 on the pre-print server arXiv, suggest that the planet has a sulfur-rich atmosphere.

Mysterious 50-million-year-old fish to get a new genus 

A pair of paleontologists, one with the Museum für Naturkunde, in Germany, the other from the Università degli Studi di Torino, in Italy, has found new evidence that an ancient fish, which has defied categorization for hundreds of years, may belong to fishes in the group Teleostei. Donald Davesne and Giorgio Carnevale have published a paper describing their analysis of the only two known fossil samples of the fish on the bioRxiv preprint server.

Poland charges 3 Belarusians who forced the diversion of a plane to Minsk in 2021

The Independent 

Prosecutors in Poland say they have charged three Belarusian officials with using a ruse to divert a Poland-registered plane and thus violating the freedom of 132 people on board when in 2021 they ordered the plane carrying a dissident blogger to land in Minsk, leading to the arrest of Raman Pratasevich

What your favorite NHL penalty says about you, Hat Trick Fever and more: DGB Grab Bag

Down Goes Brown 

The hockey world just went an absolutely miserable week, probably one of its worst ever. That might make it a weird time to pull out the old Grab Bag gimmick. Or maybe not, because we could all probably use a laugh right now. Unfortunately you’re stuck with me, so “laugh” might be asking too much, but maybe I can at least get a slightly louder than normal exhale out of you. Let’s see if we can find a way to have some fun.

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US IRS enforcement efforts recover $1.3 bln in unpaid taxes, Treasury says 

Voice of America 

Washington — The U.S. Treasury and Internal Revenue Service said on Friday that they have recovered $1.3 billion in unpaid taxes from wealthy individuals under new enforcement initiatives funded by $60 billion in IRS modernization spending from the climate-focused Inflation Reduction Act.   Why it’s important  Republicans in Congress have long vowed to rescind the 10-year IRS funding passed in 2022, arguing that it would unfairly harass Americans on their taxes. Republican presidential candidate... Читать дальше...