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Новости за 03.09.2024

Gigantic asteroid impact shifted the axis of Solar System's biggest moon 

Around 4 billion years ago, an asteroid hit the Jupiter moon Ganymede. Now, a researcher realized that the Solar System's biggest moon's axis has shifted as a result of the impact, which confirmed that the asteroid was around 20 times larger than the one that ended the age of the dinosaurs on Earth, and caused one of the biggest impacts with clear traces in the Solar System.

Finger wrap uses sweat to provide health monitoring at your fingertips--literally 

A sweat-powered wearable has the potential to make continuous, personalized health monitoring as effortless as wearing a Band-Aid. Engineers have developed an electronic finger wrap that monitors vital chemical levels -- such as glucose, vitamins, and even drugs -- present in the same fingertip sweat from which it derives its energy.

Children's behavioral problems are linked to higher hair cortisol levels 

In a study involving 11-year-olds, researchers have concluded that greater behavioral problems are linked to higher hair cortisol levels. The study also concluded that exposure to certain factors that can simultaneously cause chronic stress may determine the concentration of cortisol in the hair.

Targeted cancer therapies: Getting radioactive atoms to accumulate in tumors 

Compounds containing astatine-211 (211At) can be used in targeted radiotherapies for prostate cancer, but deastatination in the body remains a significant hurdle. Now, researchers have developed a new molecule with a neopentyl glycol structure that effectively prevents deastatination. The proposed structure can be leveraged to accumulate harmful 211At only in tumors while minimizing damage to healthy tissues, paving the way to effective prostate cancer treatment.

How zebrafish map their environment 

Researchers are turning to zebrafish to unlock the secrets of place cells, which play a crucial role in forming mental maps of space, social networks, and abstract relationships. Until now, place cells have only been found in mammals and birds, leaving the question of how other species internally represent the external world largely unanswered.

How bright is the universe's glow? Study offers best measurement yet 

Over billions of years, the universe's stars and galaxies shined their light into space, leaving behind an imperceptibly faint night light known as the cosmic optical background. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has traveled to the edge of Earth's solar system and captured the most accurate measurement of this glow to date.

Rising temperatures in Africa may increase perinatal deaths 

Heatwaves in sub-Saharan Africa are predicted to become more common due to climate change. A new study reveals a worrying correlation between high temperatures in the final week of pregnancy and an increased risk of stillbirth and early neonatal mortality.

Ketamine clinics vary widely in pregnancy-related safeguards 

With ketamine for depression & PTSD growing rapidly in use, but with concerns about potential impact on a fetus, a study shows wide variation in pregnancy testing & contraception guidance at clinics offering IV and nasal spray treatment.

Individuals with pre-existing disabilities had long COVID and much higher rates than peers, study finds 

Researchers compared data from two national surveys and found that individuals who had pre-existing disabilities had experienced long COVID at much higher rates than their peers. More than 40 percent of the former had long COVID, while only 18 percent of the latter did. The researchers argue that disparity shows better policy is needed to address health challenges for people with disabilities.

Pregnancy-related heart failure is under-detected; AI-enabled stethoscope helped doctors diagnose twice as many cases 

Heart failure during pregnancy is a dangerous and often under-detected condition because common symptoms -- shortness of breath, extreme fatigue and trouble breathing while lying down -- are easily mistaken for typical pregnancy discomforts. A new study showed an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled digital stethoscope helped doctors identify twice as many cases of heart failure compared to a control group that received usual obstetric care and screening.

Haryana, Punjab aiming for zero farm fires: Govt to SC 

The Centre has informed the Supreme Court that Punjab and Haryana aim for zero paddy stubble burning this year. Despite a reduction in burning events, air quality in Delhi-NCR remains poor. Both states face challenges with increasing paddy straw generation and ambitious straw management targets.

50-year generation gap in Minnesota's longest-lived fish 

The bigmouth buffalo is a fish that's native to Minnesota and known for its longevity. Researchers wanted to find out more about the species, especially how they migrate, spawn, and how often their offspring live into adulthood.

New approach can help detect and predict mental health symptoms in teens 

The majority of mental health disorders manifest during adolescence and relate to a multiplex interplay of neurobiological and environmental factors. Instead of considering these factors in isolation, a newly developed manifold learning technique can model brain-environmental interactions, which vastly improves detection of existing mental health symptoms and prediction of future ones compared to current methods. The study underscores the importance of considering the adolescent brain in conjunction with the environment in which it develops.

CPS dará a los maestros de Chicago aumentos de sueldo de hasta el 5% anuales

Chicago Sun-Times 

En lo que podría ser un gran paso adelante en las negociaciones sobre el contrato del Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago (CTU, por sus siglas en inglés), el director ejecutivo de las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (CPS, por sus siglas en inglés), Pedro Martínez, anunció el jueves que planea ofrecer al sindicato una propuesta importante de aumento para los maestros.

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Keep devices out of bed for better sleep 

Despite what we've been led to believe, the timing of evening screen use, rather than the activity itself, negatively impacts youth sleep, a new study has found.