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Новости за 29.07.2024

For the ISS, to be or not to be?

The Space Review 

NASA is pressing ahead with plans to deorbit the International Space Station at the end of the decade, recently awarding SpaceX a contract for a deorbit vehicle. Ajay Kothari describes how the station could be saved in a higher orbit for potentially far less money.

Review: Creature Comforts in Space

The Space Review 

Living in space today requires roughing it in ways like extreme camping. Jeff Foust reviews a book that examines what it would take to make living in space a little more comfortable, from a freshly prepared meal to a shower.

No more space for the press?

The Space Review 

The International Astronautical Congress is one of the biggest annual conferences in the space field, attracting 10,000 people. But, Brian Harvey states, the organizers are for some reason making harder for the media to cover what goes on there.