News in English

Новости за 24.07.2024

Outcome assessment of different reward stimuli in Internet gaming disorder by event-related potentials 

by Mengyue Zhang, Chenyue Zhao, Ziyu Mao, Meng Zhang, Xiaoli Xing

An imbalance in sensitivity to different types of reward stimuli may be an important cause of addiction that is mainly manifested in high sensitivity to addictive substance rewards and blunting of natural rewards. However, contradictions remain in the research results on the sensitivity of individuals with Internet gaming disorder (IGD) to different reward stimuli. Based on participants’ neural responses to win and loss feedback (in door task)... Читать дальше...

Adaptive control for circulating cooling water system using deep reinforcement learning 

by Jin Xu, Han Li, Qingxin Zhang

Due to the complex internal working process of circulating cooling water systems, most traditional control methods struggle to achieve stable and precise control. Therefore, this paper presents a novel adaptive control structure for the Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient algorithm, which is based on a reference trajectory model (TD3-RTM). The structure is based on the Markov decision process of the recirculating cooling water system. Initially... Читать дальше...

FedGMMAT: Federated generalized linear mixed model association tests 

by Wentao Li, Han Chen, Xiaoqian Jiang, Arif Harmanci

Increasing genetic and phenotypic data size is critical for understanding the genetic determinants of diseases. Evidently, establishing practical means for collaboration and data sharing among institutions is a fundamental methodological barrier for performing high-powered studies. As the sample sizes become more heterogeneous, complex statistical approaches, such as generalized linear mixed effects models, must be used to correct for the confounders that may bias results. Читать дальше...

A low-dimensional approximation of optimal confidence 

by Pierre Le Denmat, Tom Verguts, Kobe Desender

Human decision making is accompanied by a sense of confidence. According to Bayesian decision theory, confidence reflects the learned probability of making a correct response, given available data (e.g., accumulated stimulus evidence and response time). Although optimal, independently learning these probabilities for all possible data combinations is computationally intractable. Here, we describe a novel model of confidence implementing a low-dimensional... Читать дальше...

Generating information-dense promoter sequences with optimal string packing 

by Virgile Andreani, Eric J. South, Mary J. Dunlop

Dense arrangements of binding sites within nucleotide sequences can collectively influence downstream transcription rates or initiate biomolecular interactions. For example, natural promoter regions can harbor many overlapping transcription factor binding sites that influence the rate of transcription initiation. Despite the prevalence of overlapping binding sites in nature, rapid design of nucleotide sequences with many overlapping sites remains a challenge. Читать дальше...

Wnt signaling modulates the response to DNA damage in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc by regulating the EGFR pathway 

by Ben Ewen-Campen, Norbert Perrimon

Despite the deep conservation of the DNA damage response (DDR) pathway, cells in different contexts vary widely in their susceptibility to DNA damage and their propensity to undergo apoptosis as a result of genomic lesions. One of the cell signaling pathways implicated in modulating the DDR is the highly conserved Wnt pathway, which is known to promote resistance to DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation in a variety of human cancers. However, the mechanisms... Читать дальше...

Elephant Rumblings: A’s clinch series, bid to sweep Astros

Athletics Nation 

Stan Szeto-USA TODAY Sports

MLB news roundup

Happy Wednesday, Athletics Nation!

The Astros came to Oakland this week with a 6-1 advantage in the season series between the two teams, but the A’s have been exacting sweet revenge over the past two games of the current series at the Coliseum as Lawrence Butler, Brent Rooker, and JJ Bleday continue to swing hot bats for an Oakland club that has been among baseball’s best offensive teams in July.

Back in May, the Astros... Читать дальше...