News in English

Новости за 12.07.2024

Small for the end of the week

Real Surf 

Hello Friends, Back to just barely surfable this morning. Swell at sea is 1.6 metres  from the east at 8 seconds, so you’ll be doing well to find anything much above waist high. Still, it’s a nice morning out there and waiting around for a little groveller isn’t the worst thing you could do with […]

Sunday Life Events

Sydney Morning Herald 

Explore the most beautiful homes in the country with Sunday Life’s editors and design contributors in our new intimate home tours series, Sunday Life Open House

Assessing US Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Claims In The Arctic – Analysis

Eurasia Review 

By Bipandeep Sharma

In December 2023, the US Department of State in a press release highlighted its new extended continental shelf (ECS) claims in the Arctic and Bering Sea region.1 The US press release noted that these new claims are on the basis of scientific data and research conducted by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

It further noted that the US is making these claims in accordance with the principles of... Читать дальше...

Mary Poppins Feminism

Public Discourse  

As I revisited the familiar lyrics from my childhood, I noticed new themes and deeper meanings. To my surprise, I soon reached the unlikely conclusion that this classic family film has much to teach us about women, work, and feminism.

Evil Recap: The Baptized Baby Blues

Блог сайта «Face Tube is a fun name,» 

Happy birthday, Father David! This year, your special present is a race against time to stop a man from killing himself and his family! (And oops — we tossed the receipt, so you can’t return it.) Meanwhile, Sheryl, of all people, kicks in a gift of her own: a major leg up for Team Good […]

Envisioning the future through a sci-fi lens

Stanford University 

What’s in store for our technology-driven society? In a spring quarter course, students looked to fictional utopias and dystopias to consider their own agency in a rapidly changing world.