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Новости за 11.07.2024

Iran Can Produce 'Multiple Nuclear Weapons Within Days,' Foreign Policy Leaders Say, Underscoring 'Urgent Need' for Action

The Washington Free Beacon 

Iran is quietly accelerating its nuclear program "to a point where the regime can now produce enough weapons-grade uranium for multiple nuclear weapons within days," according to a broad coalition of think tanks and advocacy groups. America's next president, those groups say, must quickly "develop credible military options for preventing Iranian acquisition of a nuclear bomb."

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Octavia Spencer to Speak Alongside Joe Biden at Detroit Rally (EXCLUSIVE)


Octavia Spencer is sticking by President Joe Biden. I can exclusively report that the Oscar winner will appear alongside the president at his rally in Detroit on Friday. Spencer will also speak during the event, according to sources. Spencer’s support comes just a day after George Clooney published an op-ed in the New York Times […]

The trauma of covering tragedies

The Hindu 

Reporters lurch from one unfortunate event to the next with little time to process the incident or mourn the dead

What Does Being “A Golfer” Mean?

V1 Sports 

As an admitted outsider to the golfing community working for a golf company, I find myself fascinated by some of the more existential questions like “can I call myself a golfer”? At what point am I a golfer? Is it based on my handicap?  My ability to crush a ball a respectable distance off the […]

Emiten orden de hervir el agua potable en vecindarios del lado sur tras prueba de bacterias

Chicago Sun-Times 

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Las autoridades de Chicago están diciendo a miles de residentes que no beban agua de la llave en las comunidades del lado suroeste de Auburn Gresham, Beverly y Morgan Park a menos que la hiervan primero debido a la preocupación por la contaminación bacteriana.

La orden de hervir el agua se produce después de que el martes por la noche se produjera una fuga en una tubería principal de agua a alta presión dentro de la más que centenaria estación de bombeo del vecindario de Roseland. Читать дальше...