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Новости за 09.07.2024

Removal of Conflict of Interest Disclosure 

In the Original Investigation titled “Identifying Children Likely to Benefit From Antibiotics for Acute Sinusitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial,” published on July 25, 2023, a Conflict of Interest Disclosure was mistakenly included. The disclosure for Dr Shaikh has been removed. This article was corrected online.

Upholding Standards for Qualified Bilingual Staff 

This Viewpoint discusses ways to ensure the proficiency of bilingual communication among health care staff in patient-clinician encounters, such as language testing and use of professional interpreters.

The Weight of a Differential 

In this narrative medicine essay, when a physician’s mother begins experiencing postmenopausal bleeding, the author wonders what it would be like to hear someone’s signs and symptoms and not automatically begin to build a differential.

The Conquest of Yellow Fever 

If persons who are engaged in the promotion of preventive medicine ever waver in their faith that progress will attend the effort, their courage and persistence should be further sustained by the recent records of the continued campaigns against yellow fever. The success of Gorgas in eradicating this disease by mosquito control in Havana, in Cuba and in the Panama Canal Zone, has been widely proclaimed as an outstanding, monumental achievement of modern hygiene and sanitation. Less known, though similarly gratifying... Читать дальше...

Costs and Essential Drug Access—The Case of Naloxone 

Since the turn of this century, fatal drug overdoses involving opioids have continued to mount. Despite rhetorical assertions to the contrary, too little investment has been made in the science-based responses to this crisis and progress has been stymied by systems-level factors.

Errors in Table 2 

In the Research Letter titled “Global Production of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for US Generic Drugs Experiencing Shortages,” published online April 29, 2024, and in print on May 28, 2024, in Table 2, the number and percentage of facilities with and without active pharmaceutical ingredient shortages in Spain were changed to 15 (5.5%) and 12 (4.1%), respectively; in Germany, to 9 (3.3%) and 14 (4.8%), respectively; in Japan, to 7 (2.6%) and 14 (4.8%), respectively; and in France, to 8 (2.9%) and 13 (4.4%)... Читать дальше...

Review Calls for Standardized Long COVID Definition 

A recent review of 38 studies found considerable differences among 6 major definitions of post–COVID-19 condition, also known as long COVID, underscoring the “innovative yet fragmented nature of long COVID care models and the critical need for a standardized definition to effectively identify affected patients and evaluate treatment models,” the authors of a linked editorial wrote in Annals of Internal Medicine.

Early Therapy for Symptomatic COPD, Asthma Improved Quality of Life 

Despite experiencing symptoms, roughly 70% of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma do not know they have the condition. They also tend to have worse quality of life and spend more time in the clinic and hospital than those who are healthier.

Cognitive Impairment Underestimated Among American Indian People 

More than half of older American Indian people had cognitive impairment, up to 3 times the prevalence of cognitive impairment among White people in the US, according to results from a population-based cohort study of almost 400 participants. About 35% of American Indian participants had mild cognitive impairment specifically, the researchers reported in Alzheimer & Dementia. The results were based on data collected from participants aged 70 to 95 years from 11 American Indian tribes.

Having Peers With Mental Disorders Might Increase Classmates’ Risk 

People who attended ninth grade in Finland with more than 1 peer who had been diagnosed with a mental disorder were 5% more likely to later receive a mental disorder diagnosis themselves compared with those with 1 or no classmates who’d been diagnosed, according to data from a population-based study involving more than 713 800 participants. The researchers enrolled participants when they were about 16 years old and followed them until they were either diagnosed with a mental health condition, left the country, or died.

Progestogen May Lower Risk for More Surgery for Endometriosis Pain 

Current guidelines recommend that people with endometriosis use hormone therapies such as a combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP) or progestogens to manage pain associated with the condition. Now, new research published in The BMJ suggests that progestogen might be a better choice than COCPs for people seeking to minimize pain as well as lower their need for future surgeries.

Rare Inherited Tumor Syndrome Tied to Nail Condition 

A rare tumor syndrome—BRCA1-associated protein (BAP1) tumor predisposition syndrome—might be associated with a benign nail condition known as onychopapilloma, according to data from 47 participants aged 13 to 72 years from 35 families who all carried pathogenic variants of BAP1. About 87% of participants with BAP1 tumor predisposition syndrome had nail changes, such as nail splitting and splinter hemorrhages, including many that were consistent with onychopapilloma.

Counting Minutes, Steps Linked With Similar Mortality Reduction 

People who kept track of their daily activity levels by monitoring their step counts tended to lower their chance of dying by an amount similar to those who monitored the number of minutes they spent exercising, a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found. The results were based on data from about 14 400 US women aged 62 years or older.

AAP Changes Its Breastfeeding Policy for People With HIV in US 

After nearly 40 years, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is now recommending that pediatricians be ready to support people with HIV who want to breastfeed, provided they meet certain criteria, according to a recent clinical report in Pediatrics. The criteria include starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) before or early in pregnancy, maintaining viral suppression, and being committed to taking ART while breastfeeding.

Joakim Westerholm (G) from Kraft to Kraft

Elite Prospects 

Date: 07/09/2024
Player: Joakim Westerholm (G)
From: Kraft
To: Kraft
Information: 1 year
Source: You need a free account to view Transfer URL Sign In/Up

Jonathan Korhonen (F) from SuKiKa to SuKiKa

Elite Prospects 

Date: 07/09/2024
Player: Jonathan Korhonen (F)
From: SuKiKa
To: SuKiKa
Information: 1 year
Source: You need a free account to view Transfer URL Sign In/Up