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Новости за 05.07.2024

The evolutionary features and internal logic of the one-vote veto system: A Nvivo analysis based on the policy texts of the three provinces in the east, middle and west 

by Jiancheng Li

Analyzing the evolutionary features and internal logic of the one-vote veto system in China over the past two decades is highly significant when considering reform and standardization. In order to conduct this analysis, the Nvivo 12 software was used to examine policy texts related to the one-vote veto issued by Fujian, Hubei, and Gansu provinces. Through a comparative analysis of keyword frequency statistics, policy text form, and content characteristics across the three provinces... Читать дальше...

Literary tastes are as heritable as other human phenotypes: Evidence from twins’ library borrowing 

by Mads M. Jæger, Stine Møllegaard, Ea H. Blaabæk

Social science research argues that differences in individuals’ literary and cultural tastes originate in social environments. Yet, it might be that these differences are partly associated with genetic differences between individuals. To address this possibility, we use nation-scale registry data on library borrowing among Danish twins (N = 67,900) to assess the heritability of literary tastes. We measure literary tastes via borrowing of books of different genres (e.g.... Читать дальше...

Relationship between soil and species diversity in typical forest stands in Xianrendong, Liaoning Province based on plant-soil feedback 

by Weixin Du, Hua Zhang

Exploring the relationship between soil properties and species diversity in typical forest stands in Liaoning Xianrendong National Nature Reserve will help maintain the stability of forest communities in the transition zone between flora in Changbai and North China. Based on the plant-soil feedback theory, community sample data from nine typical forest stands in the study area and experimental test data from 54 soil samples, we selected indexes of soil physical and... Читать дальше...

Evaluation of an autonomous acoustic surveying technique for grassland bird communities in Nebraska 

by Grace E. Schuster, Leroy J. Walston, Andrew R. Little

Monitoring trends in wildlife communities is integral to making informed land management decisions and applying conservation strategies. Birds inhabit most niches in every environment and because of this they are widely accepted as an indicator species for environmental health. Traditionally, point counts are the common method to survey bird populations, however, passive acoustic monitoring approaches using autonomous recording units... Читать дальше...

Long-term survival outcomes of endoscopic therapy vs. surgical resection in patients with cardia gastrointestinal stromal tumor 

by Qiong Wu, Jun Jiang, Zhuofan Li, Xin Ling, Zhenguo Qiao, Yimin Ma

The ideal surgical approach for treating cardia gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is not clearly established. This study aimed to assess the long-term survival results among patients who received endoscopic therapy (ET) or surgical resection (SR) for cardia GIST. Cardia GIST patients from 2000 to 2019 were selected from the surveillance, epidemiology, and end result (SEER) database. Multiple imputation (MI) was applied to handle missing data... Читать дальше...

Extreme value statistics of nerve transmission delay 

by Satori Tsuzuki

Delays in nerve transmission are an important topic in the field of neuroscience. Spike signals fired or received by the dendrites of a neuron travel from the axon to a presynaptic cell. The spike signal then triggers a chemical reaction at the synapse, wherein a presynaptic cell transfers neurotransmitters to the postsynaptic cell, regenerates electrical signals via a chemical reaction through ion channels, and transmits them to neighboring neurons. In the context of describing... Читать дальше...

Customer pressure and environmental stewardship: The moderator role of perceived benefit by managers 

by Vo Tan Liem, Nguyen Ngoc Hien

Nowadays, environmental issues and cleaner products are interest to many customers, considering whether to buy or continue using a product. This will affect the perception, attitude of upper managers in the process of strategic choices and operational management behavior. This study is based on the Upper Echelon Theory, research under the influence of customer pressure to attitude toward the environmental, decision choices for cleaner production strategies... Читать дальше...

Determinants of the use of modern contraceptives among women of reproductive age group in Ethiopia: A multi-level mixed effects analysis 

by Molalign Gualu Gobena, Maru Zewdu Kassie


Modern contraceptive methods are a scientifically effective method to control the fertility of reproductive-aged groups of people. The women’s use of contraceptive methods creates a birth gap and limits the number of their children. The main objective of this study is to identify the significant determinant of modern contraceptive use of reproductive-aged women in Ethiopia.


We used data from 2019 Ethiopian Mini Demographic and Health Survey. Читать дальше...

Animal source food consumption practice and factors associated among infant and young children from selected rural districts in Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study 

by Alemneh Kabeta Daba, Mary Murimi, Kebede Abegaz, Dejene Hailu


Children are recommended to consume animal source foods (ASF) as part of diversified diets. However, ASF consumption practice of infant and young children (IYC) is less studied and contributing factors are not exhaustively identified. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to assess consumption of ASF and identify associated factors among 6–23 months old IYC from selected rural districts in Ethiopia.

Methods... Читать дальше...

Exploratory analysis of choriocapillaris vasculature as a biomarker of idiopathic epiretinal membrane 

by Gee-Hyun Kim, Jiho Lee, Young-Hoon Park


To investigate the preoperative choriocapillaris perfusion (CCP) as a biomarker in patients with idiopathic epiretinal membrane (iERM).

Materials and methods

28 patients (28 eyes) with unilateral iERM who received pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling were included for retrospective observational study. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and angiography (OCTA) was performed before and after PPV. Читать дальше...

Hasty generalizations and generics in medical research: A systematic review 

by Uwe Peters, Henrik Røed Sherling, Benjamin Chin-Yee

It is unknown to what extent medical researchers generalize study findings beyond their samples when their sample size, sample diversity, or knowledge of conditions that support external validity do not warrant it. It is also unknown to what extent medical researchers describe their results with precise quantifications or unquantified generalizations, i.e., generics, that can obscure variations between individuals. We therefore systematically... Читать дальше...