News in English

Новости за 03.07.2024

Tackling Hard-To-Treat Tumors 

A novel antibody may boost antitumor responses in treatment-resistant solid tumors, according to early clinical trial results.

How Cloud-Native Development Benefits SaaS 

While SaaS and COTS applications offer benefits like improved cost and reduced complexity when compared to custom development, their customization potential is limited.

Warming, Acidic Oceans Could Be Disastrous for Sharks 

Climate change may be coming for some sharks, new research suggests. The study found that eggs belonging to the small-spotted catshark are substantially less likely to survive under the worst case climate scenario by 2100. The findings still indicate that these sharks can continue to thrive under less disastrous…

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Вакцинация может защитить от проблем с памятью, вызванных коронавирусом

Блог сайта «Антимракобес» 

Международная команда ученых исследовала функционирование мозга мышей при коронавирусе. Оказалось, что вирус повышает уровень интерлейкина-1β — белка, стимулирующего иммунный ответ. У мышей с повышенным уровнем IL-1β наблюдались проблемы с памятью и формированием новых нейронов. Вакцинация мышей позволила уменьшить воспаление в головном мозге и снизить уровень белка, поэтому животные испытали меньше когнитивных нарушений. Исследование опубликовано в журнале Nature Immunology.

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Germany, Sweden arrest eight over Syria crimes against humanity (en) 

The arrests, five in Germany and three in Sweden, represent the latest attempt to pursue justice for the victims of abuses committed in Syria's civil war. The suspects detained on Wednesday are accused of taking part in a "violent crackdown on a peaceful anti-government protest" in the Al-Yarmouk district in Damascus on July 13, 2012, Germany's Federal Public Prosecutor's Office said. It said the four stateless Syrian Palestinians and Syrian national detained in Germany were "strongly suspected of killing and attempting to kill civilians... Читать дальше...