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Новости за 02.07.2024

Supreme Court Shocker Could Give Trump Terrifying Second-Term Powers

The New Republic 

Yesterday the Supreme Court released its shocking new ruling in the case involving Donald Trump’s demand for absolute immunity from prosecution for insurrection-related crimes. The court gave Trump much of what he wanted, notably ensuring that his trial for the insurrection will be delayed indefinitely. But what’s really worrying is what this ruling could allow Trump to get away with if he wins back the White House. We talked to legal expert Richard Hasen, who just published A Real Right to Vote... Читать дальше...

Biden proposes first-ever nationwide worker protections from heat 

As the nation sizzles, the Biden administration is proposing the nation’s first-ever standards aimed at protecting workers from extreme heat. If finalized, the proposal would mandate that employers provide rest breaks and access to shade and water for workers who face extreme heat risks. They would also be required to identify heat hazards and develop...

Biden campaign raises $127M in June, touts best fundraising month so far 

President Biden’s reelection campaign said it raised $127 million in June, making it its best fundraising month of the campaign, and raised $264 million overall in the second quarter of 2024. The campaign goes into July with $240 million in cash on hand, it said. The second quarter total was a $75 million increase on...