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Новости за 02.07.2024

Rudolf Steiner University / Biselli Katchborian Arquitetos 

Located in the Alto da Boa Vista region, the new headquarters for Pedagogy and Psychology at the Rudolf Steiner College was designed by the Biselli Katchborian office, owned by partners Mario Biselli and Artur Katchborian. Selected through a competition organized by the institution itself, the project was inspired by the holistic values of Waldorf pedagogy and its relationship with nature.

Coping with drug shortages: A study of government-enterprise option cooperation stockpiling strategies for drugs in shortage considering API surrogate stockpiling subsidies 

by Yipeng Lan, Chenlu Meng, Lihua Sun, Zhe Huang

Drug shortage is a global problem, and the development of government-enterprise cooperative stockpiles of drugs in shortage, combining physical and production capacity, has become one of the most important means of coping with drug shortages. However, existing studies have tended to overlook the fact that shortages of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) have become an important constraint on production capacity stockpiling and that the... Читать дальше...

Experiment and analysis of physical, mechanical, and viscoelastic properties of the roots and stalks of green leafy vegetables 

by Yue Jin, Zhiyu Song, Renlong Zhang, Jianfei Zhang

Green leafy vegetables are an essential component of Chinese leafy vegetables. Due to their crisp stems and tender leaves, orderly harvester generally causes significant mechanical clamping damage. The physical and mechanical properties of green leafy vegetables are one of the important basis to design the orderly harvester. At the same time, they provide important parameters for the simulation and optimization of harvester. So, this paper... Читать дальше...

Wood duck nest survival and duckling recruitment is minimally affected by interspecific brood parasitism from hooded mergansers and black-bellied whistling-ducks 

by Dylan L. Bakner, Kevin M. Ringelman, Larry A. Reynolds

In the southeastern United States, wood ducks (Aix sponsa) have historically experienced interspecific brood parasitism (IBP) primarily from hooded mergansers (Lophodytes cucullatus), but the recent northward expansion of black-bellied whistling-ducks (Dendrocygna autumnalis) has added a new complexity to these interactions. We monitored nest boxes in Louisiana to evaluate the influence IBP had on wood duck daily nest survival rate (after, DSR) and duckling recruitment. Читать дальше...

A deep neural network prediction method for diabetes based on Kendall’s correlation coefficient and attention mechanism 

by Xiaobo Qi, Yachen Lu, Ying Shi, Hui Qi, Lifang Ren

Diabetes is a chronic disease, which is characterized by abnormally high blood sugar levels. It may affect various organs and tissues, and even lead to life-threatening complications. Accurate prediction of diabetes can significantly reduce its incidence. However, the current prediction methods struggle to accurately capture the essential characteristics of nonlinear data, and the black-box nature of these methods hampers its clinical application. Читать дальше...

On traveling wave solutions with stability and phase plane analysis for the modified Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation 

by Md. Sagib, Md. Aslam Hossain, Bijan Krishna Saha, Kamruzzaman Khan

The modified Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (mBBM) model is utilized in the optical illusion field to describe the propagation of long waves in a nonlinear dispersive medium during a visual illusion (Khater 2021). This article investigates the mBBM equation through the utilization of the rational ( G ′ G )-expansion technique to derive new analytical wave solutions. The analytical solutions we have obtained comprise hyperbolic, trigonometric, and rational functions. Читать дальше...

Comparison of model feature importance statistics to identify covariates that contribute most to model accuracy in prediction of insomnia 

by Alexander A. Huang, Samuel Y. Huang


Sleep is critical to a person’s physical and mental health and there is a need to create high performing machine learning models and critically understand how models rank covariates.


The study aimed to compare how different model metrics rank the importance of various covariates.

Design, setting, and participants

A cross-sectional cohort study was conducted retrospectively using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)... Читать дальше...