News in English

Новости за 01.07.2024

Same old story with a different ending: Homophily and preferential selection of information within the US climate policy network 

by Lorien Jasny, W. Chris Jayko, Dana R. Fisher

The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act has been perceived as a substantial shift away from the history of more contentious climate politics in the US. We apply social network methods to interrogate an updated dataset that assesses the degree to which recent policy outcomes are a shift away from earlier policies and positions. We empirically test for homophily, a building block of polarisation, analysing four waves of survey data collected... Читать дальше...

Correction: Burden of disease and risk factors for mortality amongst hospitalized newborns in Nigeria and Kenya 

by Helen M. Nabwera, Dingmei Wang, Olukemi O. Tongo, Pauline E. A. Andang’o, Isa Abdulkadir, Chinyere V. Ezeaka, Beatrice N. Ezenwa, Iretiola B. Fajolu, Zainab O. Imam, Martha K. Mwangome, Dominic D. Umoru, Abimbola E. Akindolire, Walter Otieno, Grace M. Nalwa, Alison W. Talbert, Ismaela Abubakar, Nicholas D. Embleton, Stephen J. Allen, on behalf of the Neonatal Nutrition Network (NeoNuNet)

Co-existence of synaptic plasticity and metastable dynamics in a spiking model of cortical circuits 

by Xiaoyu Yang, Giancarlo La Camera

Evidence for metastable dynamics and its role in brain function is emerging at a fast pace and is changing our understanding of neural coding by putting an emphasis on hidden states of transient activity. Clustered networks of spiking neurons have enhanced synaptic connections among groups of neurons forming structures called cell assemblies; such networks are capable of producing metastable dynamics that is in agreement with many experimental results. However... Читать дальше...

Model-based analysis of the acute effects of transcutaneous magnetic spinal cord stimulation on micturition after spinal cord injury in humans 

by Mahshid Fardadi, J. C. Leiter, Daniel C. Lu, Tetsuya Iwasaki


After spinal cord injuries (SCIs), patients may develop either detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia (DSD) or urinary incontinence, depending on the level of the spinal injury. DSD and incontinence reflect the loss of coordinated neural control among the detrusor muscle, which increases bladder pressure to facilitate urination, and urethral sphincters and pelvic floor muscles, which control the bladder outlet to restrict or permit bladder emptying. Читать дальше...

Beyond fission and fusion—Diving into the mysteries of mitochondrial shape 

by Noga Preminger, Maya Schuldiner

Mitochondrial shape and network formation have been primarily associated with the well-established processes of fission and fusion. However, recent research has unveiled an intricate and multifaceted landscape of mitochondrial morphology that extends far beyond the conventional fission–fusion paradigm. These less-explored dimensions harbor numerous unresolved mysteries. This review navigates through diverse processes influencing mitochondrial shape and network formation... Читать дальше...