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Новости за 26.06.2024

What is the proper treatment for the mahogany rudder and daggerboard?

SailingForums: Capri/Catalina 14 Talk 

What is advised to take care of the finish on mahogany rudder and daggerboard for an old 1960’s Sunfish? When treating the rudder do you remove the metal hardware to be able to finish the wood underneath the metal? What would be the best coating to use That would be compatible with whatever was originally used to protect the wood?

ICC convicts al-Qaida-linked leader of atrocities in Mali 

Al Hassan convicted of war crimes in Timbuktu for reign of terror by insurgents in 2012. Victims faced corporal punishment, imprisonment. Prosecutor highlighted the atrocities. Court issued reparation order post conviction of Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi.

Ian Bremmer’s 2024 elections halftime report - GZERO Media 

  1. Ian Bremmer’s 2024 elections halftime report  GZERO Media
  2. Financial adviser’s 3 investment tips for the 2024 General Election  Hargreaves Lansdown
  3. Key Elections in 2024: Winners, Losers, Upcoming Polls  Visual Capitalist
  4. As critical elections loom, poll-based investing is a 'dangerous strategy,' chart shows  MarketWatch

Кошмар вегана! Есть ли разум у растений?

Блог сайта «Антимракобес» 

Что, если у растений есть разум, а пшеница орёт, когда её косят? Вдруг персики умирают в муках, когда наши зубы жестоко раздирают их плоть? Возможно ли, что отсутствие мозга не мешает растениям принимать решения? Правда, что есть растения, которые умеют считать до трёх, и разумные грибы, которые охотятся с помощью капканов? И что делать в этом случае веганам? Давайте разбираться вместе!

Многие считают, что мы сейчас стоим на пороге сингулярности — момента, когда спонтанно «пробудится» сознание сильного искусственного интеллекта... Читать дальше...

A new horizon for the Kuiper Belt: Subaru telescope's wide-field observations 

The Subaru Telescope's wide and deep imaging observations are contributing information to the New Horizons spacecraft as it moves through the outer solar system. By applying a unique analysis method to images of Kuiper Belt objects taken by the Subaru Telescope's ultra-wide-field camera, objects that have the potential to extend the Kuiper Belt region have been discovered.

Election Roundup: Marquee Primary Results Are In

Crooks and Liars  

Now, no one's surprised that Bobo won her primary:

The AP has called the GOP primary in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District for Rep. Lauren Boebert. As of 8:45 p.m. she had 43 percent of the vote, while none of the other five candidates had more than 15 percent.

These results mean Boebert will be a Republican candidate for Congress for a third time, this time representing a new part of the state.

Boebert is currently the congresswoman for the 3rd Congressional District, covering the Western Slope and southern Colorado.

National Trust Partner with BeyondAutism to Create Inclusive Garden Project – steps towards employability 

Wednesday 26 June, 2024

BeyondAutism is thrilled to announce a new collaborative effort with Morden Hall Park, a National Trust property, to create the BeyondAutism Garden – a project designed to provide autistic students with hands-on work experience. The official planting took place at the Garden Centre on Thursday 20th June, marking a significant milestone in this blossoming partnership between the charities.

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