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Новости за 23.05.2024

Decoding regulatory elements and brain cell–type shifts offers insights into neuropsychiatric disorders | Science Advances 

HomeScience AdvancesVol. 10, No. 21Decoding regulatory elements and brain cell–type shifts offers insights into neuropsychiatric disordersBack To Vol. 10, No. 21 Open accessIntroduction to Special IssuePSYCHENCODE2 Share on Decoding regulatory elements and brain cell–type shifts offers insights into neuropsychiatric disordersChristine Klein [email protected]Authors Info & AffiliationsScience Adva…

Pursuing a smoke-free generation | Science


The United Kingdom may soon become a world leader in forging a smoke-free generation. Last month, the country passed a bill that bans the sale of cigarettes to anyone born in 2009 or later. The prime minister claims the policy will “phase out smoking in ...