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Новости за 20.05.2024

Iran: President Raisi’s Death Sets Off Scramble To Find His Replacement – Analysis

Eurasia Review 

By Michael Scollon

(RFE/RL) -- The death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi sets in motion a scramble to replace him in short order, with long-term implications for the clerical establishment.

Mohammad Mokhber, who served as first vice president under Raisi, has already taken over the presidential duties in an acting capacity.

His time in office will likely be brief, with Iranian law stipulating that a new presidential election be held within 50 days.

Mokhber... Читать дальше...

Club confirms they are in talks to sign £20m Leeds United forward

Caught Offside 

Everton have made plans to complete the permanent signing of Leeds United winger Jack Harrison, according to the club’s sporting director Kevin Thelwell. Leeds plays Southampton in the playoff final at Wembley with one game remaining in their season to guarantee their promotion to the Premier League. The Championship club would hold more authority over […]

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OpenAI Suspends ChatGPT Voice That Sounds Like Scarlett Johansson in ‘Her’: AI ‘Should Not Deliberately Mimic a Celebrity’s Distinctive Voice’


After many people noticed that one of the voices in OpenAI’s voice-enabled chatbot sounded very much like that of Scarlett Johansson’s disembodied AI companion in Spike Jonze’s 2013 movie “Her,” the company is suspending the voice for the time being. The Johansson-soundalike voice, called Sky, was part of OpenAI’s GPT-4o release, which it launched last week. […]

Iso-propagation vortices: Optical multiplexing for unprecedented information capacity 

The future of optical communications just got brighter. In a development reported in Advanced Photonics, researchers from Nanjing University have introduced iso-propagation vortices (IPVs), a novel concept that offers a solution to a long-standing challenge faced by scientists and engineers: how to increase information processing capacity while overcoming the limitations of traditional vortex beams.

Комбинированная терапия острого цистита – повышение эффективности и снижение риска рецидивов

Блог сайта «Антимракобес» 

Инфекции нижних мочевых путей (ИНМП), наиболее частым проявлением которых является острый бактериальный цистит, распространены необычайно широко [1, 2]. В России ежегодно регистрируют 26–36 млн случаев цистита, и с этим заболеванием связано до 60% обращений к урологу [1]. Циститом болеют преимущественно женщины, что связано с анатомо-физиологическими и гормональными особенностями их организма [1-3]. В течение жизни острый цистит переносят 20–25% женщин, причем у каждой третьей из них в течение года возникает рецидив заболевания... Читать дальше...