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Planetary Settlement

The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.Planetary SettlementCategoryInhabited OutpostDescriptionPlanetary SettlementUpdatedWaypointPlanetary Settlement is a point of interest.Contents1 Summary2 Game Description3 Important Buildings3.1 Settlement Hub Interface3.2 Construction Terminal3.3 Overseer's Office4 Settlement Administration Terminal5 Settlement Status5.1 Settlement Class5.2 Settlement Features5.3 Production Status6 Settlement Decisions7 Citizens8 Additional Information9 Gallery9.1 Mechanics9.2 Settlement ExamplesSummary[ | ]Planetary Settlements are one of the various Points of Interest in No Man's Sky. There are several settlements per planet and they can be in close proximity or far away. Planets may have multiple settlements. They can be found with Settlement Char...