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Lily Castellanos

The article or section below may contain minor to major plot spoilers. Proceed at your own risk."No... No, you're not! Dad is dead!"―LilyCastellanosLily Lynh Castellanos is a character in The Evil Within 2 that was first mentioned in The Evil Within in Sebastian's journals. She is the daughter of Sebastian Castellanos and Myra Castellanos. Lily is one of the major characters in The Evil Within 2, as well as being the focus within the series.Contents1 Biography1.1 Early Life1.2 The Fire1.3 STEM Core Candidate2 The Evil Within 23 Theodore's Apparition4 Appearance5 Personality6 Trivia7 Gallery7.1 The Executioner7.2 The Evil Within 27.2.1 Concept Art7.2.2 ScreenshotsBiographyEarly LifeInitially little was known about Lily, save that she was the only daughter of Sebastian and Myra. Sebastian wrote in his journals that Lily was raised by her mother full-time for 3 years, before eventually attending preschool on June 16, 2009.The FireWhen Lily was five years old, a fire broke out at her house...