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Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The shoe salesman does The Motor City


Abbreviated Pundit Roundup is a long-running series published every morning that collects essential political discussion and analysis around the internet. time that changed.

We begin today with Isaac Arnsdorf of The Washington Post reporting on the shoe salesman’s visit to my hometown in an attempt to woo Black voters.

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump repeated his characterization of Black communities as dangerous and depressed on Saturday, courting voters in a city he has called “hell” and “totally corrupt” as his campaign hopes incremental gains with Black voters could be decisive in swing states.

“Look, the crime is most rampant right here and in African American communities,” Trump said at 180 Church in Detroit. “More people see me and they say, ‘Sir, we want protection. We want police to protect us. We don’t want to get robbed and mugged and beat up or killed because we want to walk across the street to buy a loaf of bread.’”

The audience, which was not predominantly Black, cheered at the remark. He returned to the topic of crime when asked how he would address Black entrepreneurship. “The biggest thing we can do is stop the crime,” he said.

Trump has been giving Detroit the Milwaukee/Chicago/Baltimore treatment for years now and did so again in this latest visit. Any Black person that votes for Trump is a goddamn fool. No asterisk. Periodt.